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General >> Rally >> Todays Adventure... Swift Rapids Road  (pics!)

Message started by dtompsett on 11/23/4 at 21:58:57

Title: Todays Adventure... Swift Rapids Road  (pics!)
Post by dtompsett on 11/23/4 at 21:58:57

So, i'm talking with Ryan H. last weekend, and he mentions that he has heard rumours that swift rapids road is being maintained, as the hydro crews are hoping to be in servicing in the fall/winter months.  This sparks a crazy little thought that simmers for the next few days, until this evening, when Patrick (my navvie/roomie) and I have some free time.

We headed up, it was lightly raining out, and it was getting dark quick.  Last fall, we managed to make it through lots of water crossings until, 6.5 km in, the road disappeared due to a very nasty washout.... only a foot deep... but no chance of getting through, so we accepted defeat, turned around, and went home.  This year, we were determined to make it to the end.  At the same 6.5 km, we came down the hill, and were greeted to a beaver dam on the edge of the road.  The road had been rebuilt, and after kicking a few stray sticks out of the way, we rolled through the little mess.  Yes, we did manage to make it to the end, and yes, someone is living in the house at the end of the road.... sounds of large barking dogs sent us quickly walking back to the car!

All I can say is that the road is drier than last year... no major water crossings, but many many pot holes.  Many man hours needed before the road would be in any condition for a stage road again.

Beaver dam anyone?

Title: Re: Todays Adventure... Swift Rapids Road  (pics!)
Post by RyanHuber on 11/23/4 at 23:04:49

Very interesting! Now, the question is, will it be plowed?  ;)

Title: Re: Todays Adventure... Swift Rapids Road  (pics!)
Post by dtompsett on 11/23/4 at 23:12:04

Well, give it another month, and maybe we'll find out.  I definitely want to go up there in the day time.... looks like some awesome scenary.

Title: Re: Todays Adventure... Swift Rapids Road  (pics!)
Post by robin on 11/24/4 at 08:25:02


I'm five minutes away - so let me know when you want to know.

Robin Fleguel

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