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General >> Rally >> Perce-Neige

Message started by John_Vanos on 02/04/6 at 16:15:32

Title: Perce-Neige
Post by John_Vanos on 02/04/6 at 16:15:32

Are live updates being posted anywhere?

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by BTDT on 02/04/6 at 17:27:23

Yup - - then click on results and it will show you 6 stages so far complete
First stage 1) Erickson & Erickson, 2) Perusse and Raymond, 3) Pilon and Pilon
ACP - 8th
Sprongls tied for 9th
Vanos - 20th
2nd stage 1) Erickson, 2) L'estage, 3) Perusse
ACP - 5th
Sprongls tied for 8th
Vanos - tied for 22nd
3rd stage 1) L'Estage, 2) Thomson, 3) Alder
ACP - 4, Perusse 5
Spongls 13th
Vanos 20th
4th stage 1) Erickson 2) L'Estage, 3) Thomson, Perusse 4th, ACP 5th
Sprongls - 6th
Vanos 28th - hmmmm?
5th stage 1) Erickson 2) L'Estage, 3) Thomson, 4) Perusse, 5) Sprongls
Vanos - 17th
ACP didn't finish stage - uh oh?
6th stage 1) Erickson, 2) L'Estage, 3) Srpongls, 4) Perusse
Vanos - 17th
Overall after 6 stages complete:
Erickson and Erickson
L'Estage and Williams 0.00.41
Perusse and Raymond 0.03.09  
Sprongl and Sprongl 0.03.45
L'Estage and L'Estage
Nichols and Schenk
LeBlanc and Morison
Vanos and Ockwell - 15th 0.12.52


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by BTDT on 02/04/6 at 17:36:58

Martin and Narini
ACP (stage 5)
Pilon and Pilon
Reilly and Felice (stage 5)
Thomson and Hendricksen (stage 6)
Alder and Normandin


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by ktibi79 on 02/04/6 at 20:53:04

Following whole day long! Cheering for hometowners! :) But there is no update from ss6  ???

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/04/6 at 21:44:41

I'm only guessing here, but I suspect George can't get a phone line out of the really remote area where they're running the late stages.  He's otherwise pretty good about getting results posted immediately.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by BTDT on 02/04/6 at 21:47:53

Frustrating!  Nothing since Stage 6 and the rally is virtually over.  ACP apparently broke a front wheel and out, Felice had diff problems.  I want to know how JV and AO are doing (or have done) he seemed to be getting faster the second time through stages and by 6 looked really good.  I suspect you are right - satellite phone not good.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by DeanC on 02/04/6 at 23:42:23

Vanos and Ockwell made it, but slowly. On stage 8 they mashed a control arm and had to limp out.

ACP broke a ball joint.

Reilley and Felice blew up their rear diff. Apparently there is shrapnel out in the Quebec snow!

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by ktibi79 on 02/05/6 at 08:36:22

Loved to see Frank and  Jon top of the results on the 50.4 kms stage. Can't wait to see  Ian's Porsche.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by BTDT on 02/05/6 at 09:04:29

For those who are just waking up and don't want to go to rallyscoring yet, here you are:
1st - L'Estage and Williams
2nd - Erickson and Erickson (0:45)
3rd - Sprongl and Sprongl (7:11)
4th - Nichols and Schenk (7:24)
Other notables:
Perusse - 10th (22:53)
Donnelly and Fleguel - 13th (30:18)
Zimmer - 14th (47:25)
Ryall and Morrow - 17th (55:23)
Vanos and Ockwell - 22nd (75:16) - hmm started Car 22
Sergei and Alex - DNF mechanical stage 7


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/05/6 at 11:10:06

ktibi79 wrote on 02/05/6 at 08:36:22:
Can't wait to see  Ian's Porsche.

That's a hot car! Looks like Ian started off cautiously, then picked up the pace more and more as he became more familiar with his new car.

He started dead last in the running order on the first stage.  It's amazing how quickly the roads deteriorated after even just the first four cars went by.  After that each corner was incredibly icy.  Starting last would have been a huge disadvantage.  Plus, Ian had the monster truck sweep vehicles chasing him through the stage, lights and sirens going.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by ktibi79 on 02/05/6 at 12:07:30

Looks cool ;)
It was hard not to be there. And now till June is nothing, or I have to go to Alberta, which is very unlikely. :'(

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Craig_Hamm on 02/05/6 at 13:08:20

I was start marshal for 5 and 7.  I didn't know about some of those DNFs on my stage.  It's 'different' working stages in Quebec.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by big_Ian on 02/05/6 at 20:00:24

Ferdinand wrote on 02/05/6 at 11:10:06:
That's a hot car! Looks like Ian started off cautiously, then picked up the pace more and more as he became more familiar with his new car.

That is a masterpiece of understatement!
Once I figured out that that car rather just go sideways  instead of straight aheadthe car and I got along just fine .
It was so much fun I couldn't believe it

now lets get some more group 5 cars out there....camaros anyone? how about chevy caprice taxi cabs? there must be some dodge dusters out there begging to be rallied!!!


He started dead last in the running order on the first stage.  It's amazing how quickly the roads deteriorated after even just the first four cars went by.  After that each corner was incredibly icy.  Starting last would have been a huge disadvantage.  Plus, Ian had the monster truck sweep vehicles chasing him through the stage, lights and sirens going.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/05/6 at 20:51:22

Ferdinand wrote on 02/05/6 at 11:10:06:
Ian had the monster truck sweep vehicles chasing him through the stage, lights and sirens going.

See video - "Drive it like ya stole it!"

This was on SS3.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/05/6 at 21:14:29

Here's Martin Donnelly, lucky to get away with a bit of snowbank surfing, at the same spot Marie-Anne 2.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by ktibi79 on 02/06/6 at 07:59:51

Ian must had a pure fun with the porsche.   8)..poor subaru

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by John_Vanos on 02/06/6 at 09:40:03

Congrats to Ian in the Porsche for a fine drive!

Now, to our the event...We took it VERY easily for the whole day, in fact we set better stage times last year in the RS. We have some work to do on the handling of the car (and the drivers confidence!!!) but aside from that the car ran flawlesly, it was incredible given it was the first time out for a new car!

So, taking it easy everywhere, come to a L1 down hill im going literally 20km/h or so as it as SUPER icy, i was on the inside and got sucked into the place where some had cut the corner and we found a rock the size of a basketball which immediately flatted the tire broke and bent the control arm badly. We limped for ~2km to a safe place and changed the tire and limped out of that stage and through the following stage to service where the boys were able to change the control arm in under 10mins! So we were back in it but just wanted to finish as there was little point in pushing the car when we had lost over 30 mins and were far out of contention so we cruised to the finish and we met the goal of finishing the event.

I have a lot to learn about this new car and a lot of setup changes to make. Once I do that and get my confidence back I think we will be a lot quicker and should be able to set some much quicker times

PS Ferd, got any boring vids of us?

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by robin on 02/06/6 at 10:19:28

Well you played it smart John - that L1 in Kitigan was bad luck - we could've just as easily hit that rock as we had to bounce of the snowbank in order to get slowed for the corner..

Ferdinand's video of us shows what was indicative for a lot of teams.  A. L'Estage told us after the rally that he had spent a lot of time snowbank surfing and that judging by Erickson's tracks, he was running the stages like a bobsleigh run!

We got stuck in a snowbank on the next stage for 17 minutes before the Wallbanks pulled us out (thanks boys!) - thanks also to David & Stewart who stopped to pull us out - but got stuck themselves!  Beer is owed...

After getting out, we figured we'd have fun and try to learn something.  So with Martin pushing to drive faster and me slowing him down he ended up setting two 3rd-fastest stage times incl. the monster 50km Harold stage and had a total blast along the way.  

Martin says he hates ice & snow, but he may have to change his tune...

Tough rally.

Robin Fleguel

edit:  stoopid me:  a big thanks also to Chris and Phil who were stranded down the road and spent the whole time pushing and digging.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/06/6 at 11:07:10

John_Vanos wrote on 02/06/6 at 09:40:03:
Ferd, got any boring vids of us?

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Craig_Hamm on 02/06/6 at 19:48:58

Ontario folks ran the start of Kitigan Zibi. We drove out afterwards.  In some places there were major tire tracks (car tracks) in outside snowbanks!  The banks were huge, and lasted about 30 km!  We measured the elevations on Kitigan, the stage elevation changes at least 500 ft over it's length/ On that downhill bobsled run into the left, it's a big part of that elevation drop.  Nice view.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by John_Vanos on 02/06/6 at 20:00:04

Craig, that is where we borked our control arm!  I was going SO slow and it didnt matter!!!

Loved that stage last year....not so much this year!

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by RyanHuber on 02/06/6 at 22:16:45

That's where Wallbank did his too. Nasty, nasty spot!

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Phil Jeffries on 02/06/6 at 22:54:16

Well, while you guys were out having fun wrecking control arms, I was in the garage putting new bushings on mine. Figure I better get them done since Black Bear is just around the corner ::).
I'd have loved to have been there but the fine people at McMaster university decided it would be fun to make me write a test on a saturday morning.
Anyways, congratulations to everyone, it looked like fun. Anyone have any idea as to when it will be on TV?

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by rosswood on 02/06/6 at 23:07:49

I believe the t.v. is intended to start in September, then run all the shows close together,  but the schedule has not been finalized yet.


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Alex Korovkine on 02/07/6 at 08:32:26

Looks like it was fatal spot for many cars.
We bend our control arm at the same spot.
For me it looked like there was a log under snow.
When we got back to maniwaki I found pieces of wood stuck between tire and wheel.

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Andrew_W-_ISUZU on 02/07/6 at 08:54:46

hi there.

anyone got photos or vid of the blue ISUZU IMPULSE... #31

we had an eventful expereince and saw lots of cameras flashing.

found lots of snowbanks, and got a tonne of help form fellow competitors including the Clearwater Porsche team.

unfortuantely our care was badly damaged at that point and we were unable to continue. I have in car video of the days incidents and I will post them the video is complete.

we were able to pull out Donnelly on stage 2 and he managed to finsih the event I believe. that was very gratifying as we were the last AWD to pass him, and prolly his last chance to get out, before sweep

thanks AW

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/07/6 at 09:56:18

Andrew_W-_ISUZU wrote on 02/07/6 at 08:54:46:
anyone got photos or vid of the blue ISUZU IMPULSE... #31

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Glenn_Hamilton on 02/07/6 at 11:14:53

I wondered if anyone had any video of Alan Ryall and Jim Morrow in the yellow WRX?



Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/07/6 at 11:31:17

GlennHamilton wrote on 02/07/6 at 11:14:53:
... any video of Alan Ryall and Jim Morrow in the yellow WRX?

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Jaak on 02/07/6 at 11:39:48

How our one-wheel drive Civic pulled you out of one snowbank was miraculous...I couldn't believe my eyes.  You guys are the most cheerful stuck in snow people I know!

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Jaak on 02/07/6 at 11:43:12

Video or pix of #34 please?  The one that was most boring to watch (but exciting from our perspective).

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Andrew_W-_ISUZU on 02/07/6 at 12:42:24

we were all smiles then... you should have seen us at headquarters around 11:30... not a pleasant atmosphere.

as our car was still at the bottom of that 300ft. drop to L1. wheel pushed back into the wheel wheel and halfshaft hanging on the ground... A arm was completely toast.

looked like everyone else got a piece of it... we got the whole thing...the rock is now ISUZU blue, so you should see it next year. HA

we got it on film. nearly rolled... I'll post it within the week.


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Andrew_W-_ISUZU on 02/07/6 at 13:39:49

cant knock those civics... Rob Mackenzie was National top novice in 05 I believe...

who would have imagined in a Civic?

thanks for your effort... if you need new tow hooks... I can ask Ted, he's a pro at building em bulletproof, and everything else bulletproof for that matter.


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/07/6 at 13:59:37

Jaak wrote on 02/07/6 at 11:43:12:
Video or pix of #34 please?

I'm guessing you meant to say #33, right?   ;)

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Jaak on 02/07/6 at 14:54:16

Precisely why I'm not the co-driver ::)

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/07/6 at 21:42:03

Here is an awesome photo of Erickson in action!

And a video with slo-mo of this jump.

Geeez, think that photographer was standing in a dangerous spot ???

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by LastDitchRacing on 02/07/6 at 21:51:45

Any pics of #9 would be greatly appreciated as well.  First event for the new car and it was an epic push to finish it and attend the event!  

Thanks to all that came out to spectate!  :-)

Cheers!  John

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Ferdinand on 02/07/6 at 23:15:47

LastDitchRacing wrote on 02/07/6 at 21:51:45:
Any pics of #9 ...


Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by LastDitchRacing on 02/07/6 at 23:23:41 caught me in a big tank-slapper!  ;-)

Thanks for putting those up Ferdinand!  :-)

Cheers!  John

Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Andrew_W-_ISUZU on 02/08/6 at 10:48:30







Title: Re: Perce-Neige
Post by Andrew_W-_ISUZU on 02/13/6 at 15:27:32


I dont supose you have some short vids of the top competitors in that same corner...

I'd like to compare driving styles and cornering approaches.



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