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Message started by rosswood on 02/19/6 at 16:38:29

Post by rosswood on 02/19/6 at 16:38:29

First let me say that as I write this Jaroslav and Tom B. are still in the hospital in Kingston.  Jaroslav is fine.  They are in the eye clinic waiting for word on Tom's eyes.

Any injury that he may have resulting from the air bag.
We will advise as we hear further.

Special thanks to Richard H. and Francis R.,  who stopped to help Jaroslav & Tom,  called the ambulance and stayed with them until help arrived.

The following is a basic summary of the Results.  Full Results will posted very soon on the OWR website.

Congratulations to all competitors on an incredibly good competition.

Thanks to all the workers for doing a great job.

Ross Wood,  2006 Coordinator

1st O/A   1st Exp   Louis C/Brian Maxwell   Tercel     0.7

2nd O/A   2nd Exp  Paul C/John B.                 Saab       1.8

3rd O/A   3rd Exp   Keith T/Jen H                   Subaru   1.9

4th O/A   4th Exp   Jud B/Jim A                      Subaru   1.9

5th O/A   5th Exp   Richard H/Francis R         Subaru   2.6

10th O/A  1st Int    Ryan H/Ian O                    Subaru   7.9

11th O/A   2nd Int  Paul L/Dave J                    Subaru   8.1

17th O/A   1st Nov  Kevin Y/Stephen R          Subaru   14.7

20th O/A   2nd Nov  Eric J/Martin G               Subaru   16.5

Post by AlanO on 02/19/6 at 16:54:45

Full results are now available.

Best wishes to Tom!

Post by cory_h on 02/19/6 at 22:30:36

Hi all

Just wanted to send a big thanks out to all the workers/ orgainzers who did an exclent job putting on the event and waiting around while slowly made it to all the controls. I had a blast and can't wait till next year, hopefuly in a more approiate vehicle, not the 3 ton boat my dads 94 New Yorker. (who took its returning state well)  Suprisingly it faired better than expected even after an encounter with a snow bank. (MANY thanks to the 2 or so teams who stopped to dig/ pull us out and if you have the PICTURES pm. me and it would be much appreciated :) )

Congrats to Louis again, but just wait till the summer on the mountain bike trails, then I may have a chance in a race ;). Hope the batterd heal quickly and fully understand how quickly the ice can take you.

Thats all for now, and thanks again


Post by Nikola on 02/24/6 at 19:21:54

Hi Cory - I have a picture or two of you guys that my co-driver took... there's some great shots of our, umm, posteriors while we're digging :P
It was fun pulling you guys out - just remember next time, unhook first, drive away second, hehe!  ;D

Ross: A fantastic event as usual. A bit on the icy side, but I understand SWR was even more fun, so I'm not the one to complain ;).
We ran a clean rally, with no snowbank encounters (though a few minor heart-attacks here and there), and all shocks, tires and wheels accounted for at the end. We weren't exactly competitive (in the last leg, being daylight, we took it easy and even stopped for some photos of the sunrise:)), but with our next-to-last finish, we improved significantly over our last year's position! :D

We also really liked seeing the QZ troops out there; it says something about the dedication of the organizers to take that much care not to disturb the residents... and standing outside for hours isdedication!
Nevertheless, we were caught by one of them - on a dark portion of Hwy620 we missed the 50km/h sign, and though our lights were off and engine noise down, our cruising speed was more in line with the "Highway" designation of the road... we were polite and thanked the crew for the route card, and I hope we hadn't caused any trouble to the residents.

Post by cory_h on 02/24/6 at 19:52:46

Right, un-hook then drive, I think I got it now :) Just one of the many things we learned in our little encounter ;D If you can email the pictures that would be great xx And thanks again for the pull (and again to the other team who helped dig!)


Post by Dobes on 03/03/6 at 13:54:26

Anyone have pics or in car footage from this year?  I've only got one or two my codriver took after the event:

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