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Message started by Tom_H on 11/25/7 at 21:34:38

Title: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Tom_H on 11/25/7 at 21:34:38

Hi All
I have my Pines photos posted on my site.


Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by RyanHuber on 11/25/7 at 21:40:32

Hi Tom, happen to get any of 00?  ;D

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Tom_H on 11/25/7 at 22:58:44

Sorry Ryan, but I don't. Sat was a rough day for me moving around, so I wasn't in postion that early. I hit a deer on Sat morning near Apsley and I was feeling the effects from the jar in the steering wheel. At times, I was having trouble holding up my camera. It's better today but certainly was good on the way home.

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by RyanHuber on 11/25/7 at 23:28:19

I understand, not a problem. As for the deer, I discovered that a siren and lightbar don't scare them away either... My total is around 12 sighted on the roads, two of which I very nearly clobbered on 620 coming out of A11...

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by grinthock on 11/25/7 at 23:37:03

Here he is, showin how it's done...

Rest of my stuff is being uploaded to flickr -- but it's takin some time so i'll post a link tommorow...

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by rosswood on 11/26/7 at 09:34:15

Speaking of deer, when I visited the O.P.P. before the rally,  they told me that this year has the highest number of incidents ever in the district with cars hitting animals.  Almost all of those are deer.  In fact they said that 75% of all their traffic incidents in the past two months have involved deer.

On Friday evening while the Shakedown was going on Christopher and I were checking the rest of the Dungannon Spectator stage.  Just up past the main Spectator Area in the middle of the double apex final turn,  we encountered a deer standing still dead centre in the road.  It looked around then leapt gracefully over the guardrail exactly where it got ripped out on Saturday. What a beautiful sight - one of our most graceful animals in a true wintery background.

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Doug_Woods on 11/26/7 at 09:44:20

During the rally, while returning to Rally HQ from the Detlor Road jog, I came over a crest and there were about 20 wild turkeys in the middle of the road.  They were pecking away at the road surface and I assume they were eating salt.

There were about 20 more in the process of coming out of the woods and moving through the ditch towards the road.

Please, no jokes about the Senior Steward being the 41st turkey on the scene. ::)

Doug Woods

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by dtompsett on 11/26/7 at 09:53:39

Many deer sighted during the weekend... couple of close calls in the service truck...

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Jeannie on 11/26/7 at 10:37:57

RyanHuber wrote on 11/25/7 at 21:40:32:
Hi Tom, happen to get any of 00?  ;D

The funny thing is, my car is also a blue Impreza and I happened to lose a "0" a couple of times . . . so I double-checked this photo to make sure it was Ryan and not me!


P.S. Had a WONDERFUL time with HAM gal Carolyn Ryall working the Pines as 000-B!  ;D

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by DaveC on 11/26/7 at 11:32:12

I saw so many deer this weekend, I stopped counting them. However Thursday afternoon on Lower Hastings A8, we were doing the Recce Finish Control and two yearling deer slowly crept out of the woods and across the road not 25 ft. in front of us. Beautiful animals against the white background of snow.

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Anthony_T on 11/26/7 at 11:36:41

We came across a stray dog running through either the Detlor or Peanut stage.  I felt bad that we couldn't really stop to pick him up.  If I remember correctly, this happened last year too...  

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by dtompsett on 11/26/7 at 11:48:52

Anthony_T wrote on 11/26/7 at 11:36:41:
We came across a stray dog running through either the Detlor or Peanut stage.  I felt bad that we couldn't really stop to pick him up.  If I remember correctly, this happened last year too...  

Saw him too... had collar/tags on, and was quick to jump off the racing line to let us pass.  Poor thing looked cold though.

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Jeannie on 11/26/7 at 12:03:10

Carolyn and I saw two dogs in the Peanut. One was lost and the other was Elmer's dog, who wouldn't get into his truck. I hope he finally managed to get him in!

We told Elmer where the other little dog was, and he said he'd look for him after he could get back in. (We were 000 so were clearing the stage.)

So, the dogs were not alone and forgotten out there!


Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by ktibi79 on 11/26/7 at 13:56:39

Great pictures!

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Jeannie on 11/26/7 at 14:56:35

ktibi79 wrote on 11/26/7 at 13:56:39:
Great pictures!

Oh yeah . . . LUCKY competitors!!


Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by DaveC on 11/26/7 at 15:05:51

Jeannie VE3JNE wrote on 11/26/7 at 12:03:10:
Carolyn and I saw two dogs in the Peanut. One was lost and the other was Elmer's dog, who wouldn't get into his truck. I hope he finally managed to get him in!

We told Elmer where the other little dog was, and he said he'd look for him after he could get back in. (We were 000 so were clearing the stage.)

So, the dogs were not alone and forgotten out there!


I know Elmer got his own dog finally. The dog is very skittish around other people, but eventually went to Elmer. I don't know about the other one though.

Title: Re: Rally of The Tall Pines photos
Post by Craig_Hamm on 11/26/7 at 19:22:06

Tom and I had to stop for two deer on Detlor Rd after coming out of the shakedown stage.  We slowed for another deer on Lower Hastings, and when we did the initial odo cal we saw a dead wild turkey (looked nothing like any Stewards I know) on the highway really near the Dungannon Centre.  My Golf was run into by a deer on Middle Hastings a year or two ago.

Public thanks to Ross and Donna C. for asking me to ride with Tom in Car 0.  A total privilege and honour I don't take for granted.  We all know he's a fantastic driver.  Tom is a top notch person to work with in all respects.  It was a great learning experience to run in 0 in a National with such an experienced rally professional.  He's still one of my rally heroes.  I found out I saw him while working the now defunct Dartmouth Highlands Rally (National) in 1987.  Amazing how this stuff can come full circle.

Also, as somebody who harps on and on about people getting out to volunteer, I had it easy in a warm car all day.  Huge hat's-off to all the souls who stood out in the COLD for so long to make this event happen.  I'll likely be on stage duty next year freezing like the rest of you.

I thought it was exciting to know there were more than 33 cars through Castledine's Corners this year, and that the win came down to the last stage.  That's a great rally.


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