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General >> Rally >> Co-Driver for Pines wanted

Message started by canuck69 on 10/17/8 at 14:21:54

Title: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by canuck69 on 10/17/8 at 14:21:54

Hey, I'm looking for anyone who is available to co-drive for Pines. I'm running regional P2, will be first time out, so I'm in it to finish anything but last ;)

E-mail me if you are interested - uglydograllysport AT gmail DOT com

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/17/8 at 14:29:33

Man, P2 regional is going to be awesome at pines this year...

My Fat Ass
Jon Strack
Jim Stevens

Thats like, the strongest showing in P2 in a while, methinks. Since its getting killed, its nice to see a good ole swan song for a fun class.


Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Jim Stevens on 10/17/8 at 18:34:37


It is extremely unlikely that we will be competing at Tall Pines.  Becky and Mari are talking about working the event so they may be there in that role.

Defi was probably our last CRC event.

Good luck to all the other P2s in the last event for small engine cars.


Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by English on 10/17/8 at 21:02:36

Hold on...have I missed something?

Where's P2 Going?

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/17/8 at 22:56:59

Jim Stevens wrote on 10/17/8 at 18:34:37:

It is extremely unlikely that we will be competing at Tall Pines.  Becky and Mari are talking about working the event so they may be there in that role.

Defi was probably our last CRC event.

Good luck to all the other P2s in the last event for small engine cars.


What happened Jim???

I figured you'd make it to pines, what a shame!

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/17/8 at 22:58:40

James Drake wrote on 10/17/8 at 21:02:36:
Hold on...have I missed something?

Where's P2 Going?


P1 = P2 = P3, as of Jan 1st, 2009.

So, you'll either see cars like mine slog it out against 'faster' cars, or move up to Group2.

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by RyanHuber on 10/17/8 at 23:10:27

I'm honestly not buying this whole argument about P1 through P3 merging killing the lower classes. I mean, it's been proven that Jim's car can quite easily run with open cars in the right hands. So much of rallying is the driver and so little the car.

That, and frankly, what are people's goals in rallying? Are you out there for fun or are you out there to take home a $10 plaque? My car is going to be open, yes, but it isn't really a true open car. But you know what? I don't care! I'm rallying to have fun, and if I'm looking at results it's overall, not within class. Maybe if I was 2wd I'd look at that, but still not looking at classes.

If you enjoy an event, enjoy racing your fellow competitors, then who cares if it's part of a certain championship or not?

Sorry, I'm done ranting now.

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/17/8 at 23:25:29

If less then 1.8L engines were more common, I think it would be a bigger deal. Its just reflecting the current marketplace, thats all.
Consider the Mazda3, which comes as with a 2.0 or 2.3 litre engine. Now consider the 323 and the Protege in the early 90's - 1.6's and 1.8's...

I love my little P2 tank - its cheap to run, reliable (knock wood) and makes me smile every time I squeeze myself into it - what more you could want!

But I still think its unfortunate for cars of very small displacement or output. If your car takes 20+ seconds (for example, Jon's Lada [sorry Jon!]) always coming behind P3 Lancers and Golfs would be annoying!

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by RyanHuber on 10/18/8 at 05:55:35

Yeah, but does anyone actually get the full potential out of their P2 cars? I know Frank did, and he was on national podiums overall with it!

I guess what I'm saying is that until you get to the point where the car is the limiting factor, and not you, then who cares if another car can beat you down a straight? I guarantee your little 323 or Jon's Lada could get through a corner faster than a Mazda3, because your cars weigh a lot less. Its a matter of accepting the car's limits and driving accordingly. That's what Frank did and he beat a lot of turbo AWD cars doing it.

It also comes down to my goals for rallying being different than others too. I know there's always going to be faster cars and faster drivers than me. So what? I'm doing it to have fun, improve myself as a driver too, but to HAVE FUN. If people have loftier goals for rallying in Canada/USA I think they need to reconsider them, because that's what rallying here is about and will be about in any kind of foreseeable future.

OK, end second rant.

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by rallyrick on 10/18/8 at 06:33:28

Good rants Ryan, then there are guys like me that bring a 40 year old 1.5ltr car out to compete in, & the FUN FACTOR keeps on coming, I too have a huge smile on my face at every event, even knowing that other than a classic award, chances are slim of anything else but who cares.  There, my rant is also done.  Rick  

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/18/8 at 08:02:06

rallyrick wrote on 10/18/8 at 06:33:28:
I too have a huge smile on my face at every event,

I can vouch for this!

Seeing as that the current north america market have very few 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6L etc engines, I have no problem with CARS decision. But it is nice to see a healthy number of P2 cars - regardless of if we're in out own class or not.

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by canuck69 on 10/18/8 at 09:24:18

Thanks for the thread jack guys! At least there is some chatter happening and will keep this fresh. Unless I get a co-driver I won't be entering :(

I am kind of indifferent about the merging of the classes. I might be a bit less competitive then P3 car, but more then a P1 car, right? The entry numbers have been low in P1-3, and G2 lately this might be good.

Ryan is right, out to have fun! If I could afford to buy/build an Open class car, and maintain it, I would. I know I will have fun in a P2 or Open class car, I'm out to have fun, get my mind away from work, which I need so often.

Maybe start a new thread if more discussion on this topic of the merging class.

Now back to a co-driver, anyone out there? Bueller?

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/18/8 at 10:18:06

uglydogrally wrote on 10/18/8 at 09:24:18:
Maybe start a new thread if more discussion on this topic of the merging class.

Now back to a co-driver, anyone out there? Bueller?

I dunno - your getting alot of reads this way  8-)

I'll try to wrack my brain for any potentially available co-drivers - they're always in short supply, sadly! Funny though, since there are always a good number of people interested, the RSO co-driver course was a full house last year, yet very few people make the jump and get the medical/suit/helmet/hans/fancy co-driver bag.

Good luck!

P.s. Posting details about the general prep of the car and safety aspects may make a huge difference... Nobody wants to get hurt or have the car not pass tech or not make it to the event at all -  these are generally things people consider before they strap themselves into a car ;)

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by canuck69 on 10/18/8 at 14:03:15

You're right, but I'm sure most people have read that first post, and now want to see the rest of the banter. Worst case scenerio I can co-drive, I really want to enter Pines this year.

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by overthehill on 10/18/8 at 14:18:56

I have sent you PM with a possible name and phone of a co-driver. Other than that, I think that if one wants to have fun, he/she drives anything. For some of us  ;) even the slowest cars are sometimes too fast...

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Daniel_Buehler on 10/18/8 at 18:48:36

uglydogrally wrote on 10/18/8 at 09:24:18:
Now back to a co-driver, anyone out there? Bueller?

Sorry, but I'm already co-driving for Nuwan...

Daniel 'Bueller' Buehler

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Jeannie on 10/21/8 at 14:17:04

[/quote] I'll try to wrack my brain for any potentially available co-drivers - they're always in short supply, sadly! Funny though, since there are always a good number of people interested, the RSO co-driver course was a full house last year, yet very few people make the jump and get the medical/suit/helmet/hans/fancy co-driver bag.

P.S. Posting details about the general prep of the car and safety aspects may make a huge difference... Nobody wants to get hurt or have the car not pass tech or not make it to the event at all -  these are generally things people consider before they strap themselves into a car ;)[/quote]

Some of us end up working events, even with the licence.  ;) The second part of the above comment is good, Matt, because I know I wouldn't get in a car with someone without knowing their goals for the event, their assessment of their driving skills, reputation, condition of the car, etc. I realize some of that can be done with a PM.

Hope you find someone!


Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Wedge on 10/21/8 at 17:50:00

P2 battles are always awesome!
If anyone wants to get in on that battle, I know of a really good P2 car for sale!

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Wedge on 10/21/8 at 17:50:23

Also I'm looking for a codriver too, email me if interested

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by jgardhouse on 10/21/8 at 17:56:59

Wait, Barnes, are you running in P2?

Title: Re: Co-Driver for Pines wanted
Post by Wedge on 10/22/8 at 17:25:08

Not at Pines

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