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General >> Rally >> Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"

Message started by Bruce L on 01/17/10 at 14:21:57

Title: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Bruce L on 01/17/10 at 14:21:57

Yes, planning for the MLWR is well under way. Feb. 20/21 in Bancroft. The route is about 400 km, divided into 3 legs. First car out is at 10 pm, finishing about 6:30 am, with a great breakfast provided at the end. Instructions will be simple - tulips and distance-to-turns. There will, however, be some timing challenges, and perhaps some other twists that we've not seen before.
More details to follow.

On-line registration will be up soon, and will be limited to 50 entries.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February
Post by Bruce L on 01/28/10 at 20:45:44

Jane and I drove the route last weekend, and will be fine-tuning it this weekend. There's not a lot of snow; the snowbanks aren't really high, so you really need to keep it on the road.
Here's a teaser video:

and somewhere out in the wilds of Bancroft:

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RyanHuber on 01/28/10 at 20:49:11

Is it wrong that it only took me about 20 seconds of that to know where it was?  ;)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 01/28/10 at 21:39:46

Well, I didn't recognize it.  I'm one of those drivers who never recognizes the roads, just drives.   :o   Then again, I only see most of those roads at night.  

Those crests look nice!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Bruce L on 01/31/10 at 23:20:13

more video. Still no snow. Bloody cold, though!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Ben on 02/02/10 at 11:00:27

Thanks for the update. But hows the road condition? Is it icy or gravel on sand?

Ben 8-)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Bruce L on 02/02/10 at 11:35:08

There's lots of sand on the roads (except the one in the first video). What's underneath depends on whether it's in the shade or not; packed snow, ice, pavement, gravel - it's all there.
On one of the roads, though, there are spots where the snow melt has run across the road and frozen, leaving large patches of thick ice, usually on a slope. I'll try to flag those in the instructions, but they may be gone, or there may be more.
Anyway, let's hope for more snow!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Dave Cotie on 02/02/10 at 14:46:32

I had to head down to Peterborough Sunday and back last night. Hardly any snow south of Orillia. Barely enough to make the fields white in Peterborough.

Bring on the snow.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 02/02/10 at 17:46:34

We just need six inches of snow in the first hour like last year.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RyanHuber on 02/02/10 at 21:03:52

Alright folks, now's the time to stop thinking about it and get your name on the list! Online entry and payment, as well as updated supplemental regulations (as of today, including an odo check on the way into Bancroft) are now up and running at . We're looking forward to seeing everyone for a fun rally on the 20th, so let's show the snow gods we mean business with a nice full entry list and maybe they'll give us some nice fresh snow in return!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by dtompsett on 02/03/10 at 12:46:00

Won't be able to make it this year... but last year was definitely interesting with all the snow that came down right at the start.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Ben on 02/16/10 at 01:27:55

Any update on the road condition after a week of snow? 8-)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by prmoore on 02/16/10 at 09:47:08

We were up doing the green crew on the weekend.  The road conditions were very different then in the past and for the most part in great shape.

The "back roads" are mostly frozen and smooth, while the paved major roads (Hwy 28 and 62) are incredibly rough.  The drive to the rally will be worse than the rally roads!

The massive frost heaves from past years are almost absent. There were only a few that will overtaxed the suspension if you don't slow down. Most are marked in the routebook and the others are clearly visible.  

At night, most roads were a mix of frozen dirt with periodic icy patches (at most 10 metres long, usually in front of a south facing rock face -- run off) and a dusting of light snow (Bancroft got a couple of cm of snow on Sunday night).  A couple of roads were hard, thick, packed snow with excellent traction and almost no ice.

With the warm daytime temperatures and sunshine over last weekend, some exposed roads turned into a layer of  mud over a frozen base which quickly froze up after dark.  This was the really slippery stuff, but should be frozen again by the 10 pm start.

The snow banks are almost absent everywhere (30 cm, at the highest) and the ones that were out there are as hard as concrete. Once over these small banks, the snow is granular and soft, but not much of it with rocks protruding everywhere.

The forecast is calling for another few cm of snow this week and continuing "warm" temperatures, which will change everything!

As with all winter rallies, be prepared for anything!

Paul and Rita

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 02/16/10 at 10:06:02

prmoore wrote on 02/16/10 at 09:47:08:
The snow banks are almost absent everywhere (30 cm, at the highest) and the ones that were out there are as hard as concrete. Once over these small banks, the snow is granular and soft, but not much of it with rocks protruding everywhere.

Thanks for this report!  Did you check out the "over the bank" conditions on foot, or with the STi?   ;)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by prmoore on 02/16/10 at 12:54:57

I was tying up flagging tape for the checkpoints!  The STi was firmly planted on the road.


Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Ben on 02/16/10 at 17:24:01

Too bad that I just info my navi for sure can't come to me this year... I may have to miss this event....  :-/

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 02/16/10 at 20:16:14

prmoore wrote on 02/16/10 at 12:54:57:
I was tying up flagging tape for the checkpoints!  The STi was firmly planted on the road.

Thanks, I was just trying to get an impression of how bad those icy spots were.   :o

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by nhibbert on 02/18/10 at 20:56:43

Is this corner in there this year?:

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Bruce L on 02/18/10 at 23:52:23

As you know, it's a rather historic corner, the scene of lots of action in years gone by.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RallyJake on 02/19/10 at 08:33:47

Just a quick question (I hope), are there any differences in instructions between classes?
We're thinking of going up one class to join Fred and Frank.


Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RyanHuber on 02/19/10 at 09:37:47

Jake, intermediate and expert are slightly more challenging than novice, but way easier than a typical ORRC. No difference between intermediate and expert.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RallyJake on 02/19/10 at 10:12:17

Thanks Ryan,

We might consider changing to expert once we get to Bancroft.  I hope it will be okay with the organizers.

Still waiting for the snowstorm.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Ben on 02/19/10 at 10:21:36

Good Luck to all you guys and gals! Enjoy the rally..... I miss the rally this time.. too bad for me!


Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by nhibbert on 02/19/10 at 15:45:07

Ben - I usually alternate years - competing one year and working a checkpoint the next. Working checkpoints can be almost as much fun as competing (having a ham radio helps keep you entertained and informed).

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by rosswood on 02/19/10 at 20:33:58

We just had a mini snowstorm here - everything is white again. Maybe the same in Bancroft?

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by jgardhouse on 02/20/10 at 09:56:55

rosswood wrote on 02/19/10 at 20:33:58:
We just had a mini snowstorm here - everything is white again. Maybe the same in Bancroft?

Maybe an inch or two.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by English on 02/21/10 at 03:43:48

D2 and I are currently sitting at check point C1, just about to open!!

I love having a phone with internet! #rogerswin

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by nhibbert on 02/21/10 at 13:12:31

I, personally, would like to thank the Sweep team for coming out last night.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RyanHuber on 02/21/10 at 13:50:49

I, personally, would like to congratulate Norm for being the only competitor to require the services of our sweep team ;)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 02/21/10 at 15:38:36

nhibbert wrote on 02/21/10 at 13:12:31:
I, personally, would like to thank the Sweep team for coming out last night.

Eels Lake Road?  The handling after that uphill left hander was just silly.  There were marks in the small banks from at least four vehicles by the time that we passed.  I was hand over hand to counter the oversteer; in a car that usually can't produce oversteer.  Heck, even the start of snow covered Eels Lake was a late morning wakeup call for us spoiled gravel drivers last night.  Good thing that you kept sweep busy and awake.   We don't want them to stop coming because no one uses their services.  ;)  

Our sincere and profound thanks go out to all of the folks who gave up their weekend to work very hard and make that a thoroughly enjoyable night.  It turned out to be one of our smoothest rallies ever, even though it tested us in many ways.  The rally was very professionally done to our usual high expectations for MLRC events.  Bravo!  

Stephen and Opal

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February
Post by nhibbert on 02/21/10 at 16:43:28

Eels Lake Road?  The handling after that uphill left hander was just silly.  There were marks in the small banks from at least four vehicles by the time that we passed.  I was hand over hand to counter the oversteer; in a car that usually can't produce oversteer.  Heck, even the start of snow covered Eels Lake was a late morning wakeup call for us spoiled gravel drivers last night.  Good thing that you kept sweep busy and awake.   We don't want them to stop coming because no one uses their services.  ;)  

Our sincere and profound thanks go out to all of the folks who gave up their weekend to work very hard and make that a thoroughly enjoyable night.  It turned out to be one of our smoothest rallies ever, even though it tested us in many ways.  The rally was very professionally done to our usual high expectations for MLRC events.  Bravo!  

Stephen and Opal

It was Eels' Lake, but not a corner. I was trying to slow down for a frost heave, got one wheel into the softer snow on the edge and I was pulled into the ditch. (@ 11:29 on your CP3 to BQZ video)

I'd also like to thank all the other competitors who stopped to make sure we were okay and try to pull us out.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February
Post by Dave Cotie on 02/21/10 at 19:07:11

nhibbert wrote on 02/21/10 at 16:43:28:

Eels Lake Road?  The handling after that uphill left hander was just silly.  There were marks in the small banks from at least four vehicles by the time that we passed.  I was hand over hand to counter the oversteer; in a car that usually can't produce oversteer.  Heck, even the start of snow covered Eels Lake was a late morning wakeup call for us spoiled gravel drivers last night.  Good thing that you kept sweep busy and awake.   We don't want them to stop coming because no one uses their services.  ;)  

Our sincere and profound thanks go out to all of the folks who gave up their weekend to work very hard and make that a thoroughly enjoyable night.  It turned out to be one of our smoothest rallies ever, even though it tested us in many ways.  The rally was very professionally done to our usual high expectations for MLRC events.  Bravo!  

Stephen and Opal

It was Eels' Lake, but not a corner. I was trying to slow down for a frost heave, got one wheel into the softer snow on the edge and I was pulled into the ditch.

I'd also like to thank all the other competitors who stopped to make sure we were okay and try to pull us out.

I would like to second Norm's thanks. Not one team went by without slowing or stopping. We tried to make sure we waved people on.
[Yoda  on] - Stuck pretty good you are  ;D - [Yoda off]

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by Slowpoke on 02/22/10 at 15:41:18

I got my first video converted... here's a start.  Keep in mind, this is 4:40 in the morning, and we're not the sharpest tools in the shed at this time.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February"
Post by RyanHuber on 02/23/10 at 21:09:39

Results are now posted on the website:

Leg A:
Leg B:
Leg C:

Thanks to all of our competitors for coming out, we hope to see you all again at rallies soon, and next February!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally - "Tulips in February
Post by AstroVannin on 02/25/10 at 19:44:17

WOW, the ONLY person we beat was a DNF, ha ha ha

BRUTAL ! But better then last year when I WAS the DNF.

I had a feeling it would end like that.

Il def be catching a few more events this year, and Il certainly be out next year !

Oh yeah .. Donna..thansk for bringing my coat/wallet to Bowmanville  :-[

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