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General >> Rally >> Event Trophies

Message started by gully on 03/22/10 at 10:04:49

Title: Event Trophies
Post by gully on 03/22/10 at 10:04:49

I anm currently working on GCFR. One of the most important items an Organizer must deal with and thats the Budget.

From the Budget comes entry fee etc

One major item in GCFR Budget and I am sure for other events is Trophies.

For GCFR 2009 we spent almost $1000 on Trophies [this does not include any cash awards]

LHFR last year had unique awards bottles of Maple syrup [great job LHFR]

I asked one very busy competitor about an award a few years ago and he said ''Well I haven't looked at it [it was mailed] when it arrived I just put it in the basement with the others''  Now to that competitor the actuall trophy was not important.

So my question to competitors

How important is that Trophy???

Few years ago at GCFR we ran the first Classic Division, every one who competed in Classic received a very cheap plaque to recognise there competing. I know those were very well received [cost event less than $2 each and yet I know they got displayed and not hid in a box

Your input please

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Grant on 03/24/10 at 00:26:01

A trophy will be with you alot longer then prize money will.

To me they are pretty important.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by jgardhouse on 03/24/10 at 07:49:13

Bear had stuffed animals, I thought that was cool.

Don't care so much about plaques/stuff. I had three that sat in a rubbermaid container under my desk for a year before doing anything with them.

1000$ Can go a long way for worker perks/amenities (like the bug nets at Bear), and would probably be better spent doing that.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by dtompsett on 03/24/10 at 15:25:48

Hmm... Black Bears... Honey... I see a connection here.

(yes, I'm a beekeeper now!)

Tasty trophy!

Even better if I can get some bear-shaped squeeze bottles...   8-)

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Jeff_Hagan on 03/24/10 at 16:43:39

I can think of one compromise solution: award certificates.  I know that Rally New York's done this in the past.  Even a fancy certificate doesn't cost too much to produce, and the award winners will get something they can still frame and put up on their wall if they want.

Edit: or honey.  Everbody likes honey.  

Doug, I'll let you know where to send the cheque.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by jgardhouse on 03/24/10 at 17:03:12

Oh! I think desert storm rally (Rally America Regional) had millitary dog tags done up... Pretty cool, inexpensive and unique!

Or maybe plaques for top 3 overall, then certificates/custom mugs/honey/maple syrup etc for class winners?

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Yopofun on 03/24/10 at 17:35:36

I like that idea of dog tags. That sounds pretty cool.

What about playing off the theme or area for the trophies. Like the dog tags were for desert storm...tall pines could do like a wooden award or something in the shape of a pine tree...

I'm not really sure whats special about GCFR, but I'm sure you could find something :D

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by jgardhouse on 03/24/10 at 18:31:59

Yopofun wrote on 03/24/10 at 17:35:36:
What about playing off the theme or area for the trophies. Like the dog tags were for desert storm...tall pines could do like a wooden award or something in the shape of a pine tree...

Exactly. Now comes the hard part: being creative ;)

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by gully on 03/24/10 at 18:42:20

I'm not really sure whats special about GCFR, but I'm sure you could find something  

Yopofun good thing you are hiding behind an Alias if you are running GCFR you are in trouble ;D

Maybe we could hand out slabs of Limestone

Pete G
Coordinator GCFR 2010

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Yopofun on 03/24/10 at 19:59:29

Limestone, that ROCKS! hahaha, I had too :P

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Slowpoke on 03/24/10 at 21:29:47

For First Frost Rally, we engraved some Victorinox knives for the upper competitors, just so it wasn't another plaque.  But it isn't really cheaper.  Bought the knives on sale at CanTire for $11.29 each (taxes in) then had to engrave them/paint in the engraving.

Next time I'll look for metal housed knives and have them laser engraved instead of carving the plastic.  Lesson learned.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by AlanO on 03/24/10 at 21:57:12

Trophies tend to get put away somewhere or thrown out.

High-quality photos get printed, framed and mounted on the wall.  Much nicer way to show people what you've done.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by dtompsett on 03/25/10 at 05:54:31

Slowpoke wrote on 03/24/10 at 21:29:47:
For First Frost Rally, we engraved some Victorinox knives for the upper competitors, just so it wasn't another plaque.  But it isn't really cheaper.  Bought the knives on sale at CanTire for $11.29 each (taxes in) then had to engrave them/paint in the engraving.

I bought 5 leatherman wave multi-tools for my groomsmen when I got married.  April 2008 - 5 @ $95.  Engraving= $0.80/character.  Then they threw in some discounts... $511 w/ tax.  (House of Knives)

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by DaveP on 03/26/10 at 00:28:08

AlanO wrote on 03/24/10 at 21:57:12:
Trophies tend to get put away somewhere or thrown out.

High-quality photos get printed, framed and mounted on the wall.  Much nicer way to show people what you've done.

My opinion is thirty years old, (since I loved recognizition,) but I think Alan hit it on the head.

Even though digital photos are worth a dime a dozen, (and digital prints almost as cheap,) I would think a competitor might like a high quality, in action, competition shot, of their experience. (I know I have a handfull of shots from my heyday, and some day I will scan them. Maybe even post them in a membership profile if the site goes that route.)

Maybe a classic black frame, with an action shot of the competitor, (tastefully matted of course), and a discreet plaque on the base naming the event, award(s) and position.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Robin_Fleguel on 03/26/10 at 07:27:52

A certificate with an integrated photo

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by dtompsett on 03/26/10 at 09:18:46

I must admit... a nice action-shot of the car in a frame with a little plaque would be nice.  Great way to look back 20 years later... show your kids the car you drove/co-drove in.  

...And a nice bottle of honey.   ::)  Did I mention I'm a beekeeper?  

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by RyanHuber on 03/26/10 at 12:35:51

When you guys talk about framed photos, hopefully you wouldn't be expecting them at the event, would you? That's a lot of work for someone to post process and print and frame etc in time for the banquet! After the event mailed out I could see, and I bet it'd be pretty easy to get a photographer or two on board. Something to think about I suppose.


Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by dtompsett on 03/26/10 at 14:37:32

RyanHuber wrote on 03/26/10 at 12:35:51:
When you guys talk about framed photos, hopefully you wouldn't be expecting them at the event, would you? That's a lot of work for someone to post process and print and frame etc in time for the banquet! After the event mailed out I could see, and I bet it'd be pretty easy to get a photographer or two on board. Something to think about I suppose.


We live in an age where people expect instant gratification... so ya, I want my photo NOW!  

Obviously, the photos would have to be sent out after the fact.  Perhaps at the rally, a frame with printed award certificate is handed out, the photo is sent out afterwards.  Leave it upto the competitor to swap certificate for photo.

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by martin on 03/26/10 at 14:55:47

The first few trophies are prized posessions... after a while they start collecting dust in boxs in the basement.  The promotor at the local speedway started giving out certificates one year, they weren't very well received.. I never put one on a wall anywhere.

Hi-res framed action photo is a much better idea (not too big) for all the reasons already discussed...

LHFR maple syrup was tasty :-)

-Martin Walter

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by gully on 03/26/10 at 16:28:25

Many moons ago Martin Loveridge on Voyageur Rally out of Mattawa handed out awards with Photos.

He had a Guy take photos first stage then take ROLLS of film on his motorcycle to North Bay for one hour processing.
This was prior to digital and closest for one hour was NB

Once Results processed photos got mounted.

Remember as some people receive several awards you need enough copies for all needs.

Few years ago for GCFR I asked one of the Media Guys how we could do digital. I was thinking of high grade printer at event. Results posted print pictures.

Two problems very little time to print once results finalised [yes you can make some good guesses earlier in day]

Other problem is digital should not be placed behind glass for at least three day to allow ink to dry.

Thats when I canned that thought

Thanks for all your various input does give me something to think about

Pete g

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Doug_Woods on 03/26/10 at 17:56:11


Something unique will mean a lot in 20 years.  Two of my favourite rally keepsakes are a handmade drinking cup from the Scottish Rally and a reindeer bell from the 1000 Lakes Rally in Finland.

I had a roomful of standard trophies but eventually just threw them out with the garbage.

The worst trophy I ever had was from winning the Rallye Feuille d'Erable (a CRC event out of Quebec City).  The trophy was bigger than me!  Walter and I tried to convince the organizers that they should retain the trophy for safe keeping but they were so proud of it that they insisted we take it home.  That was still in the day when we drove our rally car to and from the event.  The trophy would not fit into the car!  We had to remove one of the rear hinged windows on the Corolla and drive home with about 3 feet of the trophy sticking out of the window and collecting bug guts.

Doug Woods

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by DaveP on 03/26/10 at 20:09:56

gully wrote on 03/26/10 at 16:28:25:
Many moons ago Martin Loveridge on Voyageur Rally out of Mattawa handed out awards with Photos.

He had a Guy take photos first stage then take ROLLS of film on his motorcycle to North Bay for one hour processing.
This was prior to digital and closest for one hour was NB

Once Results processed photos got mounted.

Pete g

A number or years ago, (too many!) the Tall Pines took photos of entrants on the start ramp in Bancroft(?), (or maybe as far back as the Peterborough days at the liftlock,) and essentially did the same thing. I remember someone having to chase around to find a 1hr Photo, and have all of the photos printed. After results were finalized, we frantically slipped photos of the award winners behind a plexiglass plate mounted on studs to a wood backing, while everyone was eating at the banquet. I vaguely remember Fred Baker coordinating this effort. I assume he was Chief Scorer

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by DaveP on 03/26/10 at 20:14:23

gully wrote on 03/26/10 at 16:28:25:

Other problem is digital should not be placed behind glass for at least three day to allow ink to dry.

Thats when I canned that thought

Pete g

I'm not sure that is still valid Peter. Perhaps with Inkjets, but you can buy inexpensive colour lasers for well under $1000 these days. You might want to put out a call, and see if any rally community member has one?

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Anthony_T on 03/26/10 at 23:05:21

DaveP wrote on 03/26/10 at 20:14:23:

gully wrote on 03/26/10 at 16:28:25:

Other problem is digital should not be placed behind glass for at least three day to allow ink to dry.

Thats when I canned that thought

Pete g

I'm not sure that is still valid Peter. Perhaps with Inkjets, but you can buy inexpensive colour lasers for well under $1000 these days. You might want to put out a call, and see if any rally community member has one?

For the moment anyway, 1 hour labs are still relatively common and can print 8x10 photos from digital files on *real* photo paper (by real I mean done on traditional, light sensitive paper - the standard c-type print).  It's cheaper then owning your own printer and you know what you're getting in terms of quality.  I needed to have some done last week and had to resort to a local drug store - paid 3$/print - took 20 minutes.  

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Robert Roaldi on 03/26/10 at 23:10:45

DaveP wrote on 03/26/10 at 20:14:23:

gully wrote on 03/26/10 at 16:28:25:

Other problem is digital should not be placed behind glass for at least three day to allow ink to dry.

Thats when I canned that thought

Pete g

I'm not sure that is still valid Peter. Perhaps with Inkjets, but you can buy inexpensive colour lasers for well under $1000 these days. You might want to put out a call, and see if any rally community member has one?

The drying time for inkjet prints still holds, but nowadays I usually hear 24 hours, which is still restrictive for our framing purposes.

The last time I saw colour laser prints, they were ok but not what I would call photo quality, but time passes me by all the time, so to speak, and they may be a lot better now.

Portable dye sub printers might do the trick but I don't think I have ever seen one that prints larger than 4x6, but then I don't keep up with the products.

One difficulty with photos is how good an action picture do you want? If start line shots are all you need, it's easier to coordinate that than to try to determine the best action taken during that event. Do you have more than one photographer at different places? How do you get action pics back to HQ in time? If you want action shots, it almost certainly means sending them later, but that could be problematic if the team that gets the award happens not to have had any good pics taken of them.  :)

This is such a tough call. General rule is that you'd like people to walk away with something. But good stuff is never cheap, so it has real budget implications.

The marketing VP's answer is to get a sponsor to pay for the trophies. :)

Title: Re: Event Trophies
Post by Slowpoke on 03/27/10 at 16:25:19

Coming from the tarmac side, we never got anything (in MOST recent years - not all) at an Autoslalom or SoloSprint.  So I always thought it was kind of neat that the organziers went out of their way to make sure that winners got something at every ORRC event.  Then, when you have 8 plaques, you start wondering what you're going to do with them.  You HAVE to put them on a wall because there's no way to store them efficiently on the shelf you started stacking them on, because they're all different sizes.  

I think that KWRC's current budget per SNATR trophy is $2.  A nifty dollar store item like a sun catcher, a key rack, a tea light, etc. and an engraved nameplate from the event glued onto it.  Reasonable budget, and my wife actually has two motorsports tophies from the two SNATR's that she ran!  (One knowingly, one unknowingly.  But that's another story.)

But look at OPRC.  Name me a team that spends less than $2500 on average getting to, then doing the Tall Pines, then fixing what they broke, and that will be a rare team indeed.  So to those teams, it's kind of hard to fathom how the organizers can't come up with a $25 trophy for a class win, I suppose.

But I like the thinking going on in this thread.  How do you make it more meaningful?  I think the action photo is the best way.  Supports rally photographers, ensures that the event has good action photos for the media, and the competitors have something they really can treasure.

Oh, and RSO, we were quite happy to collect this hardware at the AGM.  Thanks!

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