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General >> Rally >> Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest

Message started by Bruce L on 01/16/11 at 20:09:16

Title: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 01/16/11 at 20:09:16

The supps are up, registration is open, let the mayhem begin.
385 km. starting at 10 pm Feb 12, running until about 7 am Feb 13. Not for the timid.

Here's a bit of a look at the roads.

If you're interested in working the event (we'll keep you moving), please contact me.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Slowpoke on 01/16/11 at 21:39:41

Hopefully, I have the first two firsts of the rally:

1st to finish their entry

1st with an inquiry

.... now just one more 1st that we need to complete!


Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 01/16/11 at 23:15:49

not sure if my driver has submitted our entry or not... but we definitely have been inquiring a few things already.  ;)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 01/16/11 at 23:16:20

who knows...

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 01/17/11 at 22:18:34

Revised and clarified supplemental regulations have been posted.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Napping on 01/19/11 at 15:23:10

Registered! (I think so... My driver is in charge of that)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 01/30/11 at 11:13:19

Entry List updates???  

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 01/30/11 at 15:57:18

Our new webmaster is at SnoDrift this weekend. He may be able to get the automated entry list up and running when he gets back. If not, I'll post an entry list here.
BTW, instructions are done and have been sent to the green crew. Still looking for some CP crews to help out.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 02/04/11 at 17:28:45

Entry list is up!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by TR_Tim on 02/04/11 at 18:36:55

And those fools in the TR4 are competing again... ;)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by jotham on 02/06/11 at 17:53:51

Hi folks,

can someone advise: I'm still looking for a navigator for this event and I'm considering asking a friend who's never navigated before... is the level of the route such that this is inadvisable?


Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 02/06/11 at 19:30:17

It depends a lot on the friend.  I taught my old navvie what to do during an overnight drivex years ago... it helped a lot that I was confident enough to help him.  

If you feel like you've got enough experience to do the event, then I say go for it.  Key thing to remember... it's less about staying on time, and more about staying on route.  It's pointless to be trying hard to keep speeds and be perfectly on time, if you've taken a wrong turn and a heading the wrong direction.  Never assume the cars infront of you know where they are going!   (there is nothing worse than coming to a fork in a road, and seeing equal numbers of tracks going in each direction!)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 02/07/11 at 21:58:24

The green crew has returned from Bancroft - "we drove your rally in Bancroft this weekend, and it was beautiful.  The roads were fantastic!!  The teams are really going to love it."

Just a little bit of tweaking of the instructions and we are good to go! Have to turn down the speed on one section.
But where are the competitors!? 14? Surely there are more teams lurking out there (and don't call me Shirley...).
The weather looks to be very good - high of -1C during the day and -11C overnight, with a few flurries to a total accumulation of 5 cm. Saturday (31F, 12F, 2 inches).
The instructions will keep the navigator busy doing calculations, but there are no puzzles to fry your brain at 4 in the morning.
If you have questions, fire away.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by PFTR on 02/08/11 at 19:55:55

Bruce, is there a slight change of texture over last year vis a vis the instructions?  Tim and I had been expecting simple distance to turn as per 2010.  I know you can't tell us what is in the instructions but is it fair to assume it is not as it was?  :o

Perry (TR4)

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce L on 02/08/11 at 20:20:00

No, I wouldn't say there's enough to worry about. Last year's exp/inter instructions just had less info (fewer tulips, non-cumulative distances, etc.). More of the same this year, but one section is about meeting conditions, i.e. the 45th time you come to this intersection, turn your hat sideways, otherwise drive straight, that sort of thing. But seriously there are no brain-busters - none.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by PFTR on 02/08/11 at 20:29:31

Bruce, thanks very much (though that may be the last thank you you'll get from me!!  ;D)  I guess we'll see what happens.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 02/08/11 at 22:57:06

I am pleased to announce that Douglas Apiaries ( will be supplying some *sweet* prizes for workers at MLWR! (assuming I remember to bring them)   ;D

And, as another special treat for workers, I'm thinking about bringing my antenna analyzer to check SWR for amateur radio guys... simple criteria...
-I need access to the antenna connection (ie... easily disconnected from the radio)
-it better not my -40C out (cause my fingers get cold)
-You better know how to adjust your antenna!
(Oh... and my driver has to get us there with enough time that I can actually do this for people).  

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Slowpoke on 02/09/11 at 23:28:20

Yay!  Thanks Bruce.  I prefer NOT to keep my navigator awake with terror alone.  Chocolate covered coffee beans, and an odd puzzle now and again shall do the trick.

Double coffee brownies, anyone???   :D

Bruce L wrote on 02/08/11 at 20:20:00:
No, I wouldn't say there's enough to worry about. Last year's exp/inter instructions just had less info (fewer tulips, non-cumulative distances, etc.). More of the same this year, but one section is about meeting conditions, i.e. the 45th time you come to this intersection, turn your hat sideways, otherwise drive straight, that sort of thing. But seriously there are no brain-busters - none.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Slowpoke on 02/10/11 at 10:51:21

Ack!  Opal's got the flu and thus, I am in search of a navigator.  I can train you on the fly.

Mature driver who wants to drive home in the same car we go up in.  Last year's event-winnng driver, so we should be good for points as well!

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 02/10/11 at 15:41:51

Stephen... my driver has come down with the flu... sent you an email (and a PM shortly)...

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Slowpoke on 02/10/11 at 17:06:21

Doug and I are in!  :D

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Bruce VA3BRS on 02/10/11 at 21:00:02

[quote author=4A75766E6976727C190 link=1295226556/15#17 date=1297312100]Yay!  Thanks Bruce.  I prefer NOT to keep my navigator awake with terror alone.  Chocolate covered coffee beans, and an odd puzzle now and again shall do the trick.

You Can Get Chocolate covered coffee beans at the "bulk food store" on snow rd in Bancroft if anyboy is interested

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Napping on 02/14/11 at 11:07:21

Here's my 2 cents on this weekend's experience:

This was really great rally all around. Amaising roads (some could use pacenotes).

There's definitely an indurance aspect to this rally. Mind starts playing tricks on you by the time morning comes. Trivial math becomes not so trivial

Huge thanks again for the outback crew that pulled us out!! We owe you guys a beer!

I think it's interesting to note how spread out cars got by the 5th checkpoints. After ditching the car, and getting it out, and asking 9.5 time allowance (should've done 8.5 tho..), we were still first car on a road.

Points-wise, it was a very close battle. We were in 3rd after first leg. Then managed to move up to 1st after second leg. I made the same mistake in second leg as Stephen did, during the DIY checkpoint, forgot to account for 36 second pause and got -0.6 minutes penalty, wich partially sealed our fate later on.. (more on this later)
Timing-wise, we were more in sync with the road on second leg and did very well on staying on time.
Third leg is were fatigue kicked in and I made a major miscalculations in the very very end. When zeroing end of leg, I was off by 2 minutes.. (my mornign brain decided that 9+5 equal 16 )

Now, lookign at the scores, First place scored 10.2 minutes in penalties, and we scored 10.5, meaning first and second places were off by 18 seconds... This where the realizations kicks in. If at any of the 3 legs I have avoided just ONE of the mistakes I've made (First leg - extra minute on TA, second leg, - missed 36 second pause, third leg - 2 minutes miscalc.), we would've taken the trophy. So let my experience be lesson to other navigators: attention to detail is crucial! Even seconds matter.

Again, huge thanks to organizers and volunteeers for making this event happen and see you all at Spring Runoff and minirallies.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by Taras on 02/14/11 at 12:47:55

I would also like to thank organizers for the great rally.  Huge fun!  Beautiful roads! Great conditions!  

After we got caught speeding in a quiet zone (45 in 40 zone), missed a couple of turns, missed a couple of check points (dont ask  ;D), and got stuck in a snow bank, we weren't even fighting for points anymore, we just wanted to finish, and enjoy the fun drive.

Also I'd like to thank the guys in a silver Civic SIR for stopping and trying to pull us out of the snow bank.   And of course, huge thanks to the team in a grey STI for pulling us out and keeping us in the game.

Title: Re: Maple Leaf Winter Rally 2011 - Foray in the Forest
Post by dtompsett on 02/14/11 at 14:58:41

I must pass along my thanks (and apologies) to the workers.  I had intended to bring a bunch of gifts for workers (in the form of some containers of honey from my bees), but in the mad rush to leave, they were forgotten in the garage.  

Sorry... and thanks again!  My driver and I had a fantastic time.   :)

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