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NOWR/OWR car count down 66% (Read 7569 times)
YaBB Newbies

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NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
03/16/7 at 16:01:14
I looked at car counts a few years back

2003 - 67

2004 - 59

2005 - 58

2006 - 21

Very rough numbers, that's a 60% drop.

Can MLRC afford this?

This IS the feeder series to performance rallying

The OWR was Canada's most highly attended rally as far as I now, now the car count is down 60%!!!

Maybe we should re-evaluate the NOWR and find out why people aren't showing up.

I am sure more people would show up if it had simpler instructions and was run at night.

I did the Criterium Rally with a CAS of only 60 and it was still a blast.

Um let's see:

MLRC is already not profitable
MLRC has a downward sales trend
MLRC has a downward profit trend

That spells the death of any business, not-for-profit included.

Geez, hope we can turn things around.

Radically changing your most popular products is probably not the best thing to do in this situation

Probably also a good idea to launch new products to increase sales and profit

My humble opinion but what do I know

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #1 - 03/16/7 at 17:27:01
fweidner wrote on 03/16/7 at 16:01:14:
Very rough numbers, that's a 60% drop.

Can MLRC afford this?

This IS the feeder series to performance rallying

That's not what it's intended to be.

The OWR was Canada's most highly attended rally as far as I now, now the car count is down 60%!!!

Different format of event.  How about comparing apples to apples?

MLRC is already not profitable

Wrong.  We've made money every year that I've been treasurer (since beginning of 2004).  It's not a huge profit, but it's better than losing money.

MLRC has a downward sales trend

Not all events.  Rallycrosses did quite well last year, and our Canadian entry at Pines was stronger than it's been in a long time.  For the events that are lower, they fell at the same rate as comparable events across North America.

MLRC has a downward profit trend

Wrong.  Profits are down this year but I would hardly call it a trend.

Radically changing your most popular products is probably not the best thing to do in this situation

Probably also a good idea to launch new products to increase sales and profit

You have some good ideas.  How about working with others?  

My humble opinion but what do I know

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« Last Edit: 03/16/7 at 17:57:26 by AlanO »  
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #2 - 03/17/7 at 03:16:49

Your enthusisam for the sport is clearly evident and is welcome,  as are your initiatives to provide new sites and grassroots activities.

However your misguided and misleading posts are counterproductive to the best interest of the sport and are unfair to the MLRC Board and Executive.

MLRC has always lead the way in putting on the most rally events and the best rally events in Canada from true Beginner level (the Mini Series) to the highest level (Tall Pines).  MLRC contributes events at every level in every rally championship running,  including a long history of navigational rallies, both those focusing on navigational features and those focusing on skilled driving features.  The club has lead the way in RallyCross and in Regional performance events (Black Bear).

While you are right in saying that the OWR has in effect been a feeder event for performance rally,  the NOWR clearly was not intended to follow that.  For very carefully thought out political reasons,  which have been clearly outlined on this forum,  the MLRC Board chose not to offer the OWR for 2007,  while the Bill C-19 (Street Racing)  lobbying  efforts were ongoing.  The NOWR,  clearly a navigational event was offered to hold the OWR date in the calendar and to offer rallyists a great drive on former OWR roads,  but at significantly reduced speeds.  The Board made this decision in full awareness that the event would draw significantly fewer entries than the OWR has done in the past.  As Terry Epp's post indicated,  the event was very well executed.  Congratulations and thanks to Ryan Huber for doing such a great job with it.

Your post suggesting that MLRC made a poor marketing decision is totally misguided and unfair.  You are comparing apples and oranges.

In an effort to offer a substitute for the drivex event,  the MLRC Executive busted their asses to put together two winter driving events at the Burnt River site.  These two events were successful and were run very safely.  You just need look at posts on this site to see the highly positive response from the participants.  MLRC has every intention of expanding this for 2008.

The MLRC Board and Executive cannot and will not put on events that do not fully comply with all safety and insurance regulations.  While we watch with great interest other options,  we will not offer events on alternative venues and formats until we are certain that they will receive full approval of RSO, CARS and ASN Canada.  The club's reputation for excellence and responsibile activities must be maintained. The Board has been actively investigating other options; for example,  we visited the MCO site in Ottawa where they run their winter driving events to get whatever pointers we could in putting on safe and fun winter events.  We are also currently seeking feedback from the governing bodies about running alternative style winter events,  but this takes time.

Fred, your input in growing the sport is more than welcome.  Twice you have been personally invited to attend MLRC Executive meetings to work with us,  but so far you have not attended.  I know for a fact that Bryn Epp, the MLRC President, has issued a personal invitation for you to attend the next Executive meeting.  I sincerely hope you will do so.  We want to work with you,  but cannot do so if you continue to attempt to operate independently in an uninformed manner.

Meanwhile it would be much appreciated if you became better informed before making posts that are either malicious or at the very least misinformed.

Let's work together on this!
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« Last Edit: 03/17/7 at 07:32:04 by rosswood »  
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #3 - 03/17/7 at 08:26:09
AlanO wrote on 03/16/7 at 17:27:01:
"That's not what it's intended to be."

But that's what is is even though it's not intended to be

Different format of event.  How about comparing apples to apples?"

I am comparing apples to apples.  I'm comparing all rally products and seeing which one was the most popular to the same customer base, the rally community.

"Wrong.  We've made money every year that I've been treasurer (since beginning of 2004).  It's not a huge profit, but it's better than losing money."

I sure your doing a great job but probably nothing to do with your great effort:

I heard MLRC made a paper profit but all the assets
are in T-shirts which you can't use to pay for expenses and which will be written off as dead inventory by this time next year

"Not all events.  Rallycrosses did quite well last year, and our Canadian entry at Pines was stronger than it's been in a long time.  For the events that are lower, they fell at the same rate as comparable events across North America."

Black bear, down about 50%??
Tall pines down 30% ??, only 15 cars national cars showed up down from 60 a few years ago, a drop of 75%!!!!

Let's call an ace an ace!!

Those are huge percentages, not just 5-10%

I think there is a big problem"

"My humble opinion but what do I know"

nice pot shot - below the belt

"How about working with others?"

Of course, as always.

That's why I went to MLRC to propose a winter rally school 4 months ago.

That's why I suggested and offered to organize a whole slew of events aimed at novices before christmas.

That's why I agreed to organize an April 15 gravel school to coincide with a co-driving school.

Now I hear both April 15 events are cancelled.  Too bad


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« Last Edit: 03/17/7 at 09:02:13 by fweidner »  
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #4 - 03/17/7 at 08:53:11

"However your misguided and misleading posts"

???? thank you

"Your post suggesting that MLRC made a poor marketing decision is totally misguided and unfair"

Um, 60% of your customers decided not to show up.

All I am saying is that MLRC not longer has a product for 60% of the customer base.  I asked if the organizers would consider running the event at night for the next year.

That's all.  

If we think drivex's are dangerous, reduce the CAS to 60.  Maybe the performance rally guys won't show up but 90% of your customers will, instead of only 30% showing up to the event they way it was organized this year.

Rallying, being the state it's in, cannot afford to push away customers.

I know a few guys who are throwing in the towel re rallying and going into ice racing, oval and shifter karts.
Too bad.

"Twice you have been personally invited to attend MLRC Executive meetings"

New to me, maybe I didn't get the message.  I know I was invited to one but was away diving in Thailand.

"before making posts that are either malicious "

OK, whatever you say.

"Let's work together on this!"

of course!!!!
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #5 - 03/17/7 at 09:27:44
All opinions expressed here are my own.

This really doesn't deserve a response since it deals with hearsay, things pulled out of thin air, and statements that have been completely twisted around to suit your own purposes (AGAIN).

I much prefer to deal with facts, but anyways...

I am comparing apples to apples.  I'm comparing all rally products and seeing which one was the most popular to the same customer base, the rally community.

No, you're not comparing apples to apples.  You are comparing one type of event (a drivex) to a different type of event (navex), looking at the difference in entries, and drawing a conclusion.

NOWR drew an entry that is comparable with other navex events.  It was budgeted accordingly.   Similarly, we budget drivexes based on a number of entries that, historically, drivexes attract.

So your inference that there was a 60% drop in entries, and that we lost money on the event, is based on a badly flawed comparison.  We budget costs and set entry fees based on the typical number of entries that a particular type of event would be expected to draw.  We also prepare budgets for a "worst-case" or a "best-case" scenario, just in case entry levels are different from historical averages.

I heard MLRC made a paper profit but all the assets are in T-shirts which you can't use to pay for expenses and which will be written off as dead inventory by this time next year

You "heard" wrong, but hey, I'm sure you'll try to back out of this statement with some sort of platitude to make you look like the good guy ("you're doing a great job - hey, what do I know?")

Black bear, down about 50%??
Tall pines down 30% ??, only 15 cars national cars showed up down from 60 a few years ago, a drop of 75%!!!!

Let's throw in a few verifiable facts:

In 2006, Bear drew 17 entries.
In 2005, Bear drew 23 entries.

So yeah, entries were down, but nowhere near "about 50%".

In 2006, Tall Pines drew 22 National entries not 15.
In 2005, Tall Pines drew 32 National entries.
There haven't been 60 National entries at Tall Pines in a very long time, if ever.  It would be awesome if we could get that many.

So this "a drop of 75%!!!!" in national entries is complete rubbish.

Guess what the difference was?  11 US entries in 2005, and 1 in 2006.  That's 10. Yes, we are taking steps to draw back some of the US entries.  The problem had more to do with the event running on US Thanksgiving, which we can't do anything about.  We can't move the event earlier because of the deer hunting season in Bancroft, and we can't go backwards because we don't want to get too close to Christmas.

Do you do any research at all before posting such things?

That's why I agreed to organize an April 15 gravel school to coincide with a co-driving school.

Now I hear both events are cancelled.  Too bad

Here's what I wrote to you in an email a few days ago:

"I'm not organizing a course anytime soon, too much other stuff on the go.  Not sure if RSO is going to go ahead with courses."

Please show me where I said the events were "cancelled".  I said I couldn't give a co-driving course anytime soon - I still fully intend to give a course at some point.  I have a life outside of rally, and sometimes things just have to take a back seat to other priorities.

Rather than giving up, I strongly suggest you approach somebody to help put them together.

I have completely had it with you taking comments that I make in emails, rephrasing them to change the meaning, and posting publicly.  Keep it up, and you'll find that there's one person that will refuse to deal with you.
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #6 - 03/17/7 at 09:34:23
fweidner wrote on 03/17/7 at 08:53:11:
"Your post suggesting that MLRC made a poor marketing decision is totally misguided and unfair"

Um, 60% of your customers decided not to show up.

20 - 30 cars is typical for an ORRC event.  If you look at the 2007 January Jaunt, exactly 21 cars showed up.  So that means 100% of our customers DID show up to NOWR.
The OWR always drew from the performance rally crowd, but this was Not the OWR. Wink

You're right about one thing:  There is a need being unfullfilled.  There is no step-up from navigational to performance rallying.  From my understanding, that has been a problem for quite some time, it is not a new problem.  But there have been many steps made to correct this.  Particularly in the past year, there have been many creative ideas.  For example the closed-road TSD held at Galway.  Also the 'recce' school held at Tall Pines.  Steps are also being taken to re-introduce rallysprints.

Rallying, being the state it's in, cannot afford to push away customers.

Nobody is being pushed away.  Merely redirected to proper events and venues.  Open public roads are not the place to be learning performance rally driving.

I am comparing apples to apples.  I'm comparing all rally products and seeing which one was the most popular to the same customer base, the rally community

Rally is the most diverse motorsport in the world.  That's part of what makes it so great, there is something for everybody.  It can't be lumped together into a single category.  There are many navigational competitors who are not interested in moving up to performance, and vice-versa.  You may see it as apples to apples, but it really is not.
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Right now, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you face him, he will beat you.
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #7 - 03/17/7 at 14:49:27
Last time I checked, the club is still a not for profit organization.  

Getting new people out and interested is well intentioned but the clubs purpose is not to try and turn a profit.  We do this for fun and enjoyment first.  

Let's keep the posts amicable and pleasant.  

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« Last Edit: 03/17/7 at 23:07:20 by Anthony_T »  
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C. Hamm
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #8 - 03/18/7 at 19:24:50
Organise something, serve on a Board or committee, or attend the Board, then you can speak as a fully informed participant in the discussion.  Most of us have day jobs, and this is not always our first priority (like keeping job, paying mortgage, car payments, raising kids etc).  So, it's not run exactly like a business.  It's volunteer.

The 'idea' behind these clubs is to offer safe and legal grassroots motorsports to welcome participants.  Profit, versus loss, is the most desirable outcome at all events, but on the balance of the year is all that is important, really.  In theory, and basically in practice, that enables the 'idea' to occur 'forever'.  When we become largely driven by money and profit concerns, it's over (we're all registered not for profit orgs, too, which doesn't mean you can't profit, but there are tax and other implications).  All a club needs is sound financial stewardship, not huge plans for massive growth.  We grow and maintain the sport by offering properly organised safe events.  Sometimes downturns in attendance are not related whatsoever to anything we do.  e.g. there are sometimes large economic factors that will dictate the participation levels, particularly in performance rallying where the costs are obviously higher.  When you perceive, or even factually observe, an event with a loss, is pretty irrelevant in the big picture.  For example, on numerous occasions MCO has lost THOUSANDS putting on regional races, but on the whole MCO is quite healthy financially, and that's all it needs.  We meet our objectives annually by holding sanctioned grassroots events and schools in motorsport.  That is our purpose. That's all that matters in the end. If everything loses money, then obviously we have to step back and stop the bleeding.

Road Rally *may* be the beginning of someones move into performance rallying, but as road rallying offers a seemingly endless variety of challenges, and enjoyment, at low cost, most people are quite happy to stay "down" in road rally forever.  It's very rewarding. There shouldn't be too large an assumption placed on graduation to performance rallying from road rally.  If it happens, great.

On ice racing, it looks like a blast, and people may be doing that because of that, and maybe because there are no insurance concerns (closed track) and the rubber to ice classes are a fairly cheap way to go door to door racing.  Nothing wrong with that.  Karting takes lots of skill, and I can see people being keen on it.  Maybe when they come back to rally it will be on a closed road.  Maybe we should market to those segments.

I wasn't at the Criterium Rally. However, I heard enough from a number of experienced people whose judgement I trust implicitly (and explicitly), that this was not a well run rally, with numerous safety concerns in both design and execution.  If that's what you want more of....good luck.  I'm thankful I had nothing to do with it.

No hard feelings.

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YaBB Newbies

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #9 - 03/19/7 at 16:20:22
Now I hear both April 15 events are cancelled.  Too bad

The post above specifically refers to the events originally scheduled for April15.

Are we having a co-driving school on April 15? NO

Are we having a driving school April 15? No

All the events scheduled on April 15 have been cancelled for that day
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #10 - 03/19/7 at 18:12:23
Just checked the official 2007 RSO Calendar.

No club reported planning any such activities on April 15th.
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #11 - 03/20/7 at 06:47:20
It was never on the schedule
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Smiling Bob
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #12 - 03/20/7 at 10:31:39
How can you cancel something that was not on the schedual?   Wink
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #13 - 03/24/7 at 16:58:16
Hi Fred,

I just got back from the RSO AGM a little while ago. I was disappointed to not see you there so we could discuss some of your ideas. I had hoped to speak to you earlier in the week at the MLRC club meeting/reconvened AGM but you weren't there either. Will you be attending the next MLRC executive meeting on April 3rd?

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Ryan Huber
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Re: NOWR/OWR car count down 66%
Reply #14 - 03/25/7 at 18:14:23
Just wait till you have 3 year old TRIPLETS!!!
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