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GCFR In-car (Read 2381 times)
God Member

Posts: 709
GCFR In-car
08/09/10 at 05:11:55
I've got the first and last stage of our in-car video from Galway up now. I'm not up to doing a big writeup like Ferd, so just enjoy the videos Wink

Stage 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pEVqDwzk9Y

Stage 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S_pm3sAgFI
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Ryan Huber
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Re: GCFR In-car
Reply #1 - 08/09/10 at 08:27:46
Good run(s) Ryan, see you at Tall Pines..
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1989 Isuzu I-Mark
1993 Plymouth Laser RS Turbo/AWD
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Re: GCFR In-car
Reply #2 - 08/09/10 at 08:45:09
Nice note-calling John!  Spot on and timing great.  So cool to hear you say "go" "go" on that last run to push him.  5:19 - nothing to scoff at for sure.  Well done!  I'm very proud of you both.
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Re: GCFR In-car
Reply #3 - 08/09/10 at 17:12:57
Here's a bit more of a write up.

First off, for the time being I'm driving the car to and from events, and relying on my CAA plus to get me back to the shop if something bad happens. That does tend to have an effect on my driving, as I just don't want to push super hard and take those kinds of risks. Also, going into the event I was a ball of nerves because I wasn't sure how I'd handle the speed transition from rallycross, where I'm rarely getting over 80km/h and always in first and second gear, to a fast stage like this. I've done lots of course car stuff on stages of course, but that's gotten me very good at pacing myself to the "slow time" and again, not going very fast. At one point on the last stage, just before the spectator area when I was in 5th I stole a glance down at the speedo and I'm pretty sure I saw 160...

Anywho, the biggest drama of the event actually happened on the way there, when one of my worn out gravel tires blew out on 503 coming across to the rally Friday night. I haven't figured out what caused it, but it had me thinking "bad things in 3s" for the rest of that night. With basically no shoulder to change it on, I got to use my triangles before the rally even started!

Starting the rally, I still had the nerves, and drove the first stage really trying to limit my aggression and keep it clean, take no risks, etc. That said, I don't know what it is with that car but getting in it feels more like putting it on, and it just always responds to what I want it to do (even if that's not something I should actually be asking it to do...) The first stage felt great, flowed really well, and John was pretty much bang on with the notes. Then he told me the time and I had an "oh ****, really?" moment. I hadn't been expecting that!

Stage 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pEVqDwzk9Y

Stage 2 was more of the same, 10 seconds faster but that road is always faster coming out than going in. I only really had one moment, at about 1:38 in, the downhill into turn 4R >3 late, in front of Ross and Emilie. I was probably showing off a little, and went in slightly too fast and had to pitch it sideways to scrub the speed before the ditch on the outside. Other than that, no drama, all to plan.

Stage 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n22d0c-maXI

Stage 3 began immediately after the reseed. It was a bit of a shock to be moved up to 7th on the road from 16th, all of a sudden we were amongst the fast cars! With Peter K. ahead of us, I felt we must be doing alright. A couple kms into the stage there is a very large crest that becomes a huge jump if you're daring (which I wasn't all day). As we approached the crest, we saw Peter frantically running up the road towards us with a half-unfolded triangle in his hand a thumbs up on the other. Unfortunately he'd taken the jump a little too aggressively for his suspension, and the car got tossed sideways before going off and nearly into a swamp. They were ok though and we continued. A short while later John got lost in the notes, and it took us a short while to get back on, but we didn't lose much with that. I also made a few mistakes this stage, but nothing overly frightening. Finishing the stage, welcome to 6th place. How did that happen?!?

Stage 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x3mHVWlsME

Stage 4 was largely without drama, more of the same pace, not really pushing yet, getting more confident in the car and the notes and myself.

Stage 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl-k7HfQasg

Following stage 4 we didn't feel the need to really change anything with the car, and since we weren't having any issues didn't even do much of a service. The tires were getting pretty worn, but that was expected and since the pace was still decent we didn't feel the need to wreck more tires. We checked the oil and tire pressures, torqued the wheels and had some lunch. It was all very relaxed Wink Heading back out, John and I agreed that he'd egg me on a little more, especially through the fast sections. Because he knows the road so well, he knows where he can push me to go harder without really increasing our risks. In stage 5 we shaved off 7 more seconds, without any dramas, though unfortunately the video recorder ran out of memory part way through the stage (the one thing I'd meant to do and forgot at service) and it isn't really worth posting.

The final stage John was pushing me even more in the fast stuff, and the flow really improved and our time showed it.

Stage 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S_pm3sAgFI

Of course, the best part of the whole thing was the car had no damage whatsoever (other than the dent in John's door where he opened it into a rock at the first turnaround) and I drove it back no problem. Huge thanks to everyone who helped, John, everyone. I can't even name all of you. Next up: Tall Pines (with some rallycross fun tossed in between to tide me over)

Results are here: http://www.kwrc.on.ca/2010/Results/GCFR/GCFRResults.html
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Ryan Huber
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Alexei S
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Re: GCFR In-car
Reply #4 - 08/11/10 at 21:45:20
I'll post a small write up as well.

2 weeks prior to the rally the car wasn't running due to rust in the gas tank. I had the car at Peter Reilly's and Sang's after this to get the tank re-installed after sandblasting + re-lining, a new pump, etc. I knew the suspension was stiff, but Peter pointed out a few other things to me as well that I didn't know. The short of it is that jumping was strictly forbidden, and I'd lose time over the triple jumps and the big jump by just backing off. Oh well, it's GCFR so I just needed to keep it clean.

Recce went well, and after fashioning an exhaust hangar out of zip ties and mechanic's wire (1 went missing, whoops) we were set. I was able to get Jeff Hagan to co-drive for me, and it was awesome having an experienced co-driver in the seat next to me on a first rally.

I knew that, short of the Lada, I probably have the least HP in the entire field. So between a car I barely knew, a crazy suspension and a stock 1.8L 8V I wasn't expecting much.

Stage 1 was mostly good. The car is light, and it rotates when I ask it to. Coming from the WRX I was crazed by the lack of power but being able to pitch the car into a turn and correct it easily with FWD is rewarding. Most of the stage goes okay with one or two slides, except for the left turn into the quarry road. I came in a bit hot and slid wide, my fault. I recovered, but I lost track of the wheel position. After recovery I thought we were going to go straight, but when the wheels hooked up again we made a beeline for the inner ditch. Uh oh. After banging in the ditch we continued on, with no apparent damage. I actually banged the crap out of the skidplate on something, but we survived and had a semi-decent time for a first run. However, there was a certain someone at that corner who observed the whole thing...

Stage 1. All of these videos are basically useless since the GoPro was untested and I had it too far back. The brightness is set to the interior instead of the outside road, so you can barely see anything. Drat.

So, now I'm feeling mostly good and looking to keep it clean and get faster. At the start of stage 2, someone tells me a friendly fatherly message from Ross Wood. "You want to slow down if you want to finish". Ugh, of course the one corner I mess up has to be that one. Let me be clear that my comments after that "That's great, that's awesome" does not mean it was great or awesome at all. It's no disrespect to Ross, it was me just lamenting that one corner and the fact I couldn't keep track of the wheel properly. Regardless, I got my head back in it and started SS2. Most of the stage went pretty well, I was finding it easier to keep Jeff's instructions in my head and things went smoothly. However, at 6:26 in the video I turned the wipers on by mistake. This has always been a problem with me, even at the rallycrosses. I think I keep my hand open a bit when I'm moving the wheel fast. For a split moment, I let myself get distracted and tried to turn them off. I clipped something on the inside and we started making a beeline for the ditch. Not good, not good at all. I lifted and spun the wheel to the left to try and get going in the proper direction, and luckily the car rotated. I then floored the gas and prayed for the best. The right side of the car went into the ditch for a moment and then came back out. THAT was the worst and last moment we had on the rally. I turned the wipers on by mistake a few more times but ignored it until a straight from then on. I'm going to remove the stalk and relocate the controls somewhere else, I never want to have a moment like that again due to something stupid like wipers.

Stage 2

Stage 3 and 4 went without a hitch, finding more and more speed with control. At service, Jeff went in to check the board while I checked around the car. Afterwards, he came back out and asked if I wanted to know how I was doing. By now I knew Peter K and Mark was out, so I had a suspicion from his tone that we were close to someone else. I said no, because I didn't want to get the crazy back. We were actually battling with the Focus of Andrew Krulikowski and Gary Sutherland, 10 seconds behind them. It's a good thing I didn't know because I would have been pissed after stage 5.

On Stage 5, things were going great and we were on a flier of a stage. The confidence was there to keep it planted during the 6s and 5 pluses. About 2 kms or so from the end of the stage I noticed we were getting a lot more dust than normal and that we were catching someone. About 1.5 kms from the end of the stage we caught Vincent Landreville and Chuck Storry who were missing a wheel. They managed to do the stage in 7:00 regardless. Wow. But they were still holding us up big time, and I couldn't pass them because I couldn't see ANYTHING in some sections. I was driving slowly and using the weeds + notes to figure out where to drive.

Stage 5

At the turnaround, Jeff felt it was okay to tell me now how close we were previously to the Focus, since it was probably gone now. Indeed, we lost 14 seconds to the Focus on that stage. I decided to push a little bit more on SS6 and see what happened.

Stage 6 went completely fine, no issues at all. And it was a fast one for us, we did it in 5:50. Not bad for an 84 Scirocco with a stock engine Tongue I was just thrilled to finish with a decent result.

Stage 6

Back at service, I was packing up when Jeff told me that we were 2nd in G2, something happened to Andrew and Greg on SS6 and they were 32 seconds slower than us. Probably a spin. Icing on the cake, and a great weekend all around.

For Tall Pines, I'm looking forward to having a suspension I can trust and experience under my belt. It's going to be a long time until November Smiley
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