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A discussion on separating RSO President's roles (Read 1737 times)
Jeannie VE3JNE
Senior Member

Posts: 327
Lanark Highlands
A discussion on separating RSO President's roles
11/10/12 at 15:20:00
For some time now, it has been obvious that holding the twin helmets of RSO President and RSO Rally Director sitting on the CARS Board is a major challenge. For a number of years, Ray Felice has ably carried out this twin role. With Ray announcing that he will not be running for President this coming March, the Board started looking for possible future Presidents. We quickly realized that it would be a very difficult task.

The Board agreed that Dennis Wharton and Pete Gulliver would look at how we could make changes. The attached document is the result of discussion with the Board and other members of RSO.

We should emphasize that the attached document is intended for discussion purposes only.

We will create a motion after receiving and analysing your feedback, which we would appreciate receiving ASAP.

Board of RallySport Ontario

Pete Gulliver


Separation of the Roles of President and RSO Representative on the CARS Board


Since the formation of RallySport Ontario (RSO) in 1994 as an incorporated association, the President of RSO has represented RSO on the Board of the Canadian Association of RallySport (CARS).

For many years, RSO was advised that it was a requirement of CARS that regional Presidents be the designated representative. A check of CARS Bylaw 6.3, however, indicates that the region’s Rally Director should sit on CARS Board. RSO does not currently recognize this title in its Bylaws.

CARS Bylaw 6.3. Appointment of Directors.

(a) With the exception of the Directorship held by the President, all other Directors of the Board are appointed based on their election as Rally Director within their respective region, and each region shall be represented by one Director only. The Board has the power to scrutinize the election procedure implemented in each region to ensure that the election of a Director represents the will of members in his constituency.

(b) The directors of the Board appointed shall elect a member-in-good-standing of a member club to serve as President for a term of one year.

RallyWest and Rally Pacific Motor Sports have already adopted the model that an elected Rally Director other than a regional President represents a region on the CARS Board.


The role of a Rally Director on the CARS Board has become extremely time-consuming, to the point that the day-to-day running of the full spectrum of RSO activities is suffering. This conflict of duties and time has been the subject of many hours of discussion without resolution.

With RSO elections taking place in March 2013, and the indication from current RSO President Ray Felice that he will not be standing for re-election, we believe that now is the time for RSO to evaluate a different method of determining who will run RSO on a day-to-day basis and whether a different elected official should be the RSO representative on the CARS Board.


There are a couple of potential solutions.

[b]Option 1: Designate one of the VP’s as “Rally Director”[/b
While we call our Vice Presidents “Navigational” and “Performance”, and separate their duties accordingly, this is not what our Letters Patent and Bylaws describe. With the above in mind, it would be possible to designate one of the VP’s as “Rally Director,” who would represent RSO on the CARS Board. The other VP would be responsible for all Rally Competition, both TSD and Performance. The President would be responsible for overall management of RSO.
Responsibilities for the President and VP’s would have to be developed.

Option 2: Create a new position of “Rally Director” (RD)[/size]

This Rally Director would represent RSO at CARS.

This RD would take on all responsibilities for RSO at the CARS Board level. He or she would report CARS updates to the RSO Board, subject to confidentiality limitations.

The question then arises: How can we implement either option?

Option 1 is very simple, as our Bylaws do not specify the duties of the President or VP’s, despite us commonly calling them VP Navigational and VP Performance.

Option 2— if that is the agreed consensus of the RSO Board and club representatives — is a little more difficult. However, it can be changed with the cooperation of a majority of members.

The discussion during the RSO conference call on October 22, which included the Board, club representatives and several guests, arrived at a general opinion that the creation of a new position of “Rally Director” would be the preferred solution. Navigational and Performance rallying are unique disciplines and it was felt that each needs a VP to represent their interests. We also need a President who can devote his or her energies to growing RSO.

Quite obviously, we would like to get this implemented prior to our 2012 AGM in March. We have received a recommendation that RSO hold an Extraordinary AGM immediately prior to the AGM, on the same day as the AGM, approving the creation of the Rally Director role. The RSO Board would ask the support of member clubs in getting this change made.


Doing this review we have not gone into details about job descriptions, as we feel that the concept must be accepted first. Assuming that the concept is accepted, Dennis Wharton and Pete Gulliver are willing to review and rewrite job descriptions and bring them back to the Board and club representatives.

We all know that rally, and especially TSD events, are in a slump and will perhaps need a different model to revitalize. The clubs who generally operate TSD rallies are currently working on this.

While job descriptions for the Secretary and Treasurer are included in the Bylaws, when the bylaws were created, job descriptions for the President and VP’s were left vague, allowing us the flexibility to reassign them.

However, we do not expect that all duties can be assigned to the President and VP’s and we may require other members of the rally community to take on certain assignments.

Submitted for your consideration,

The Board of Directors of RallySport Ontario


Posted by Jeannie MacGillivray, RSO Secretary, secretary@rallysport.on.ca
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