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Tall Pines...not what it used to be. (Read 17147 times)
YaBB Newbies

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Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
11/28/12 at 23:07:29
I have been a Tall Pines spectator for the past 13 years or so now, and this past weekend, as I do each November I set out on my 1, 1/2 hour drive to Bancroft, this time with my girlfriend (who has never been to a rally before) for a day of flying gravel, blinding headlights and airborne/sideways rally cars.

The whole day I found myself saying things like "It was way better when you could watch it from wherever you wanted to" and "Castledine's corners was the best part of this rally". Long story short, at the end of the day I was disappointed and I actually left half way through the "special stage". When I first started going to Pines we would walk down the roads and find a good place to watch, like near the crest of a hill, and get off the road when the 99 car came along. Better yet, after dark we would walk in to watch cars slide around Castledine's corner where we'd be blinded by auxillary lights, then catch a long veiw of the cars as they slid their way around both corners and then up the hill with brake rotors glowing and flames spitting from tailpipes. THIS is what rally was all about to me.

What happened to that stage? I've heard stories as to why it isn't run anymore but I don't know the whole story. Isn't there some other comparible road to suppliment it with? I think that the whole "special stage" is flat out lame. There, I said it. And why are spectators corraled into designted "spectating areas" and not able to find their own place to watch?

Don't get me wrong, I love Tall Pines and the organizers do a fine job putting it on. I understand the amount of work and the complexity and logistics of this rally, but in my opinion at least, it simply does not compare to previous years, and using the "special stage" in lieu of a proper stage takes away from the experience and the essence of the sport.


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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #1 - 11/28/12 at 23:44:46
This was my fourth time at the Pines, and I do find the spectator areas a bit restrictive... but we live in a world where law suits are common... and common sense is not.

This year they did add an extra barrier at the iron bridge area that was supposed to be reserved for media (although it wasnt really mentioned anywhere).  I stood behind the green tape when I got there an hour early, but as more people arrived they went ahead of it, and since no officials pushed them back, I crossed also.  Ended up near one of the big trees where it was always.

One thing I'd always feel would be nice would be access to a map which shows all the stages so that we can better pick a spectator spot.

Still, I had a blast last weekend and I've already booked next year in my calendar!

The guys setting this up did a great job!
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Dave Cotie
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #2 - 11/28/12 at 23:47:42
The local township paved Castledine's Corner and put up guardrails. The forest access road that goes out to the North is in rough shape. It is a LONG transit for the workers and rally teams. The combination of all 3 is probably why it isnt part of the rally anymore. I miss it too!

Here is what I posted over on TSC when someone posed some of the same questions - I will copy and paste it here:

Well, I will start this off by noting that I was the 2012 Tall Pines Chief Safety Officer.

Tall Pines endeavours to provide the best possible experience to everyone that attends while ensuring the safety of the crews running the rally. Our first priority is that we MUST put on a safe rally, this includes competitor safety, spectator safety and the safety of volunteers. This requires a lot of work - personally from Thurs.-Sat. I put in 3 consecutive 18+ hour days (up at 6 am and bed by midnight), plus all the time up front writing the Safety Plan (it is an 18M Word Document BTW), working with the guy who does the drawings and working the work day. I spent over $500 of my own money and was away from my family for 5 days doing this stuff. I was one of over 200 people that did this BTW and there are some people that spend a lot more time than me doing this.

We have to follow all the regulations provided to us by CARS, RSO, Local councils (Tall Pines runs through 4 or 5 different municipalities), OPP, plus our insurance provider. All this while disrupting the local landowners as little as possible.

We have to find safe, useable roads that provide healthy competition and don't break cars but challenge the crews. All of this needs to be in a compact route that can be covered in a day by course cars, competitor cars and sweep trucks.

All of this happens in a climate where a single mistake may be your last one. The SCCA dropped rallying in the US due the combination of a crash that took the lives of two experienced spectators at one rally and a crash that took the took the lives of two very experienced competitors (R.I.P. Mark and Roger).

I have been doing this stuff for 12 years now and I can tell you that I am the most junior person on the committee!

We make available the best spectator points that we can. As Justin noted earlier, the landowner at the jump told us on Thursday that he intended to charge everyone (including our marshalls) that showed up with Trespassing. So yup - I was one of "those guys" telling people that on Sat. morning.

I spoke with a number of professional photographers on Saturday that were not happy with some of the changes that we have had to make and I made them an offer. I will extend that offer to here. Please e-mail me with legitimate suggestions of what could be changed (safely) and I will raise it with the committee. PM me for my e-mail - I am not going to post it. Don't just put "get better spectator points" but real, thought out suggestions.

Pines is a huge effort and if you want to improve it then volunteer!!! Not to mention that it gets you places you won't otherwise get.
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Dave Cotie
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #3 - 11/29/12 at 09:56:01
My thoughts....get involved. These guys need all the help they can get.  Ross, Dave, Doug, and Jenn were the people that I worked with, and they did a fine job with the resources they had available.  If memory serves me, they had 170ish volunteers.  I believe Ross said that was barely enough.

I had awesome access as well. I could go places that spectators could not. An added benefit.

Shout out to all the organizers that showed Lex and I the ropes, and to the people that made my breakfast for me at the lodge...it was awesome!  Thanks to the sponsors as well...especially Yokohama!!  I needed new tires!! ,

See you all next year!


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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #4 - 11/29/12 at 11:29:15
I had a strange thought about the super special.

In order to make it more fun to watch, I think I would like to spectate from the inside of the track.  Almost anywhere within the loop.  People would scatter about to all corners to watch their own special turn, and you could change spots at will to see something different.  

You could fit the crowds in there, but the problem is the access.  The only way it would be possible would be to extend about a few kms worth of concrete dividers to hold in the spectators.  So guess what, its not going to happen.  But we also need crazy ideas like that one.

The other thing I would actually watch if the course had two side by side courses, like the WRC super specials.  Then you would get to see L'Estage vs. Richard and see who gets to the finish line first.  Instant gratification as a spectator!   There may not be enough room for this on the site, but I would sure like to see them try!
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #5 - 11/29/12 at 12:04:22
A cross-over would be awesome!  But the field would have to be pretty much twice the size.  I thought the rally was very well done. The only thing I would've liked was to have the Golton stage completely lite up.
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #6 - 11/29/12 at 14:09:58
I think having Golton stage in morning or daytime would be better, because this way:
a) spectators get to actually see the cars, and not just blinding lights, and it's not as cold at daytime.
b) competitors would get more of stages in dark, especially regional entries.
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Napping aka Yevgeniy
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #7 - 11/29/12 at 18:50:13
For sure spectating at the Tall Pines is not what it used to be in the 'good old days'. But the changes are mostly not the Organizers' choice; they are the result of changing safety regulations, which in turn are mostly due to  changes in insurance requirements, which in turn are mostly in response to a more litigious society. However it has not affected only the spectators; have a look at the safety equipment required for competitors. In the 'good old days' they only needed a roll bar and just about any old helmet. In fact in the 'really good old days', they didn't even need that.

Finding a good spectator area is extremely difficult. It must not only be a location where the cars put on a good show, but it must be able to safely accommodate several thousand people, park 1000 cars and have outside access. We have spent a lot of hours looking for a good location to replace Castledine's Corner, but have not been able to find it. As Dave said, we are open to  any reasonable, seriously checked out suggestions.

As for running Golton in daylight, we do not have that option, as the owners of the Iron Bridge spectator area (all parking and viewing is on private property), will not grant permission for us to be there at night. However we can light Golton up better. Can you help  us find more generator lights and can you bring them to Bancroft for us?

In the meantime, as suggested, the best answer is to volunteer as a marshal That will get you to some great spectating points.

Ross Wood, Clerk of the Course      
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #8 - 11/29/12 at 20:18:19
Every year I have attended Pines (except the years I was a competitor or service crew)... I have worked the event.  

I have had vantage points you will never get to see as a spectator.  I would always recommend people volunteer to work the event.

Of course, I haven't been to the event since they stopped running Castledine's Corner.  But having driven all the way back from that stage as a competitor, in a car that wasn't sure it wanted to run... it was a very long drive!  And as a worker... it was a very late night by the time you got in from that stage.  

Best experience was running car 000... that was awesome.  Talk about up close!
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Juggernaut Motorsports
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #9 - 12/01/12 at 13:25:31
Having only run the "new setup" but having spectated on the "old setup" I can honestly say that as a competitor even the regional event is long combined with a full day of recce followed immediately by shakedown (I'm not sure how people without crews manage to do it all!). The national is only longer. I'm not whining by any means because I do love this sport and wouldn't have it any other way but remember the old setup ran until around midnight or later before the podiums were done so I can understand comments about timing and distances etc. The cold also sucks the energy out of you.  

The Golton stage has consistently been a sore spot for many. I think the idea of more lighting is a good one but could run into cost issues as we would probably need 10 of those generator lights. I can't see the Goltons putting permanent lighting in on that course period.

Personally more bleachers and or an infield spectating point for more people would be ideal so they can get closer to the cars. Also I know this can start to run into money but some raised wooden platforms for spectating in the infield would be ideal. I know due to the land and condition etc this might prove difficult but I would be more than willing to spend a weekend or a bit more in the summer helping to erect these sorts of structures. Of course we would run into building code, weight concerns etc which brings us to the insurance issue again. So could we do large dirt platforms/berms in the infield? I know it would make it a little harder for teams to see but spectators would definitely get a better view while making it much harder for a car to come close to them assuming an error is made. Could do something simple like an electric fence to keep spectators back; I kid I kid  Cheesy. But that snow fencing with the wires running through it mounted to T-rails might just fit the bill?  

Just throwing some ideas out there.

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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #10 - 12/02/12 at 10:32:50
Some kind of small raised platform for the spectators is a good idea.  Anything to improve their visibility of the course.

I think the jump could use some more fine tuning.  It seems like most competitors are slowing way down for it.  It doesn't matter how big it is if nobody is using it.  If it could be smoothed out a little, competitors will be a little more brave and take it with more speed.  That would be much better for spectators.
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 15

Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #11 - 12/02/12 at 19:22:08
I have to say Golton this year was an improvement over last year.  There was a generator light which illuminated the jump area, which was nice.

A few suggestions though:

1) There's a lot of wasted space between the fence line and the Tim Hortons bleachers.  Moving the bleachers forward until just 2-3 meters from the fence would be nice I think.  I was on the bleachers at first and the view is fine, but even with a high powered flash it was tasking.  I moved up to the fence for the second pass (as I've been in previous years) and the image quality was better, but the angle from the bleachers was more desirable.

2) in previous years, the jump at Golton was marked with two giant tires on either side which had a bit of fluorescent tape on them.  This year there were 6 (or 8?) bright red fluorescent pylons which only annoyed me because they're so overpowering in pictures (but although I contemplated getting a media pass this year and didnt, next year I will for sure)

3) maybe this is something that is provided when someone requests and is granted media access, but an overall map of all the stages would be nice.  This could better allow media and/or die-hard spectators to find their own places, with the caveat that you do so at your own risk (since it isnt an official spectating area)

4) Iron Bridge, this year was better than previous years overall.  Despite the new green/yellow tape system on the hill (which by the way was not enforced at all, to my delight), the race had cars driving towards the spectators twice, and away from the spectators once (the third time) and this was a very welcome change from the previous two years.  I cant think of any improvements to be made here.

5) I hear Tait farm was open again this year... was it?  If so, it wasnt mentioned at all in the spectator guide.

6) Signage was a bit weak this year (there was no sign at Bronson and Highway), but you know what, Im glad about that.  I dont know if its the lack of signage, or something else, but there werent a lot of people at the bridge when I got there, so I got a premium spot (I showed up around 10:30, after shooting all the cars at the start)

Wedge mentioned some cars were slowing down a fair bit for the jump.. while some did, I cant say it was more than usual.  I guess some drives are either not confident enough, or simply just dont want to risk (further) damage to their car.  Although I think Antoine even got some air on three wheels!

At Golton, an infield spectator area would be awesome, I know the VIPs get an area right next to the jump.. but what is available now is fine.  I'd like some more but Im just going to get the media pass next year.

Two family members volunteer (my dad, 8 years, my brother, 5 I think).  I've often considered volunteering... and maybe I will at some point.  But I dont want to not be able to continuously take pictures.

Is it possible to post a map of most/all the stages with their respective spectator areas (in a fashion similar to how Perce Neige are doing it this year) and then simply have that statement that says you are spectating at your own risk (isnt that true in actual spectator areas anyways?)  Would this stand up to legal requirements or whatever?  Im sure people are doing this right now anyways.

My thoughts.
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #12 - 12/03/12 at 08:25:39
I will group my responses to people's comments:

(1) Golton Spectator Area - we certainly can move the bleachers closer to the fence next year and plan on having better lighting there. The jump was developed with a lot of testing. It is built so that a car lands best if you attack it hard - will come down beautifully on all four wheels. Each year more drivers are learning that and go at it more aggressively. If we soften it, cars will barely get any air at all. We can easily change the reflective pylons. The pro Media guys have already suggested how to best place those reflective cones. With better lighting, that is probably a moot point anyway. The whole point of the preferred infield spectating is to give preferred options to Media & VIP program participants.

(2) Iron Bridge Spectator Area - the new green/yellow taping was to give marshals and Media a buffer zone to move more freely in. Apparently some marshals did not understand fully. That will be rectified next year. Having a car roll directly in front of the spectators this year was a bonus (thanks, James & Amanda). An aside - a competitor treated the VIP program participants to a rollover right at their private viewing point also in Egan Creek.

(3) Tait Farm Spectating - Tait Farm was an 'unofficial' spectator point this year i.e. spectators are welcome there and it was taped and marshalled, but it was not listed in the Spectator Guide. That is a favourite location for Service Crews to attend.

(4) More Spectator Areas - in order to satisfy insurance regulations, Organizers must tape and control any area where they allow spectators. Give us another 50 volunteers and we will open up a bunch more spectator points. As suggested previously, become a legitimate Media i.e. must be accredited by a professional media source or become a volunteer safety marshal and lots more great spectating opportunities will open up to you.

Ross Wood, Clerk of the Course

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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #13 - 12/03/12 at 17:55:44
Wearing my moderator hat for a moment.. just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this thread for being constructive and helpful with your comments/criticisms.

Carry on. Smiley
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Re: Tall Pines...not what it used to be.
Reply #14 - 12/04/12 at 19:17:37
Let me just add that I'm very impressed with the organization of this rally, and I know how much effort goes into it.  I simply miss the "good old days" of Tall Pines and the Castledine's stage.  Some of the posts on here have given me some insight as to why things have changed in both the addition of the special stage and the restrictions regarding spectating. I still love this rally and if I don't get to run it next year, I'll definitely be spectating.
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