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MLWR 2013 recap (Read 3174 times)
Bruce L
Junior Member

Posts: 71

MLWR 2013 recap
02/18/13 at 21:14:07
A cold clear night. Various car thermometers showed temps of -18 to -26, which varied depending on terrain. When it's that cold, the skies are very clear, so any teams stuck on snowbanks were at least able to star-gaze while they waited for a pull. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/858083_10151280248881439_...

A dedicated crew of workers must be thanked for helping out with checkpoints, quiet zone patrol, sweep, registration, and scoring. Roger, Martin, Jane, Ross & Mat, David & Claire, Greg & Khristel, Bruce & Jim, Norm & Will, Trevor & Ted, Derek & Janet, Doug & Tim, Doug & Trevor, and Alan & Carolyn at EOL A in Minden. Some of the crew movements were tight, such that on one occasion, cars had to be held at a checkpoint for an additional five minutes to let the next cp get in place!

And the local constabulary were out as well, stopping competitors and workers alike. I guess a lost team going back and forth does look a little suspicious. I heard that an officer actually helped one team with the instructions in Wilberforce ("there's one person on the front of the train"http://www.highlandseast.ca/files/train.jpg.) I was in Car 0 and we stopped to let a car go by as we were approaching a CP. Instead, the car pulled over as well, with the lights going. The officer asked if we had a guilty conscience. When we explained what was going on, he said "well, don't let me hold you up", and we carried on.

Back to the actual rally. 21 entries, including 6 expert, and at least one team that had never rallied before (they finished 8th novice). The route went west this year, out beyond the roads that have been used for the last few years around Bancroft. Mumford, Salerno, Salmon Lk. Rd., Fortescue, Milburn (used to be called Irondale) - these roads took the route to the Timmie's in Minden and back to the Bancroft Fish & Game Club. Speeds were higher that have been usual for the MLWR, which cause some consternation for the drivers (see link above), and the instructions, while simpler than previous years, caused some consternation for some of the navigators (see other link above). And really, what could be simpler than "right, left, left, right" as turn instructions for the entire section. Unless, of course, you forget that the first instruction is always the same as the last instruction of the previous section. Now that I think of it, there is one crew that could have quite a few stories to tell about this rally (don't forget your triangle once you've been pulled out of a snowbank - you may need it later).

A fine breakfast was served by the F&G crew, and results were posted by 7:14, awards presented by 7:40, and everyone on their way by 8:00, bleary-eyed but still hyped on Red Bull and chocolate-covered espresso beans.

Results -
1st Novice - Sean Jordan and Guy Boudreau
2nd Novice - Edgars Starts, Robin Banarjee
3rd Novice - Vitali Mossounov, Taras Magun

1st Intermediate - Sandra Maynard, David Maynard

1st Expert - Robinson Kelly, Louis Cabardos (returning champions!)

Full results here, including leg by leg. http://www.mlrc.ca/MLWR/results.html

A special shout out to Alex Cox of KWRC club for the unique trophies.https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/155254_10151258622282271_...

I would love to hear some stories from the teams - police encounters, snowbank encounters, adventures in navigating, that sort of thing. As Stuart Mclean says "It must be true, and it must be short; and after that, it's up to you". And send links to your videos. Again, to paraphrase Stuart, "we promise to read (and view) all of them and we'll publish our favourites."

MLWR coordinator

(maybe someone can tell me how to hyperlink words without the actual link showing - send me a pm)
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The Car Zero Report
An irregular newsletter about Rally in Ontario
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YaBB Newbies

Posts: 16

Re: MLWR 2013 recap
Reply #1 - 02/18/13 at 23:59:12
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for putting the event together.
I would also like to thank all the individuals that helped with this event  and made it happen….  Thank you !

The roads were awesome !  

I hope that next year you will provide a simple Tulip instructions for people who just want to drive and have fun, and not compete/score in any series.   Smiley
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Ugly Dog Rallysport

Posts: 87
Re: MLWR 2013 recap
Reply #2 - 02/19/13 at 11:55:52
Thanks Bruce et al. We had a great time. Ufortunately our rally came to an early end due to navigator illness. Here's our story posted on the MCO Board.

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Matt W. - MCO
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Posts: 63
Re: MLWR 2013 recap
Reply #3 - 02/19/13 at 12:20:14
Great road choices by Bruce and the odd challenging instruction....clock faces at 2 AM aren't as easy as one might think... At least I think it was 2.

Thanks to all the volunteers . Fortunately we didn't require Doug's sweep services and sorry to the competitors we had to leave stranded on snowbanks the Nissan doesn't have the jam (or traction) needed to free you.

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KDeV KDeV   IP Logged
YaBB Newbies

I love YaBB 1G -

Posts: 6

Re: MLWR 2013 recap
Reply #4 - 02/20/13 at 13:21:20
Bo and I had a great time !

TSD navigation is nothing like performance rally codriving ! OK I sit on the same side of the car.

It was a real blast to ride with Bo in the same trusty Volvo that was car 99 at Pines last year. As expected not a single oops moment on the road and there were certainly some challenges to maintain CAS across frost heaves and the icy Bancroft roads in general.

This was only my 3rd navigational rally but since Bo is an expert it meant we ran expert instructions. If that was a navigationally easy rally then I am definately not ready for a hard one BUT like I said it was a blast. I was so busy that there was not a chance to get the tired until the next day after a scrumptious brekky at the Fish and Game club and heading home.

Navigators get to drive while the driver naps on the way home : )

I was far too worried about trying to learn how to use an Alfa Elite for the first time and should really have brushed up (well I guess you can't brush up on something you don't know so I just should have read more about) basic TSD navigating skills. Thanks to Ferd for the Alfa tips by the way - I think I passed on that count.

Deciphering the puzzles and providing all the information at the right time - not so much. Bo knew enough navigating stuff to help keep me on track for all but the simplest of stages where all we had was right, left, left, right. Unfortunately my inexperience didn't recognize that the last instruction of one section is the first in the next so without much to go on we couldn't figure out where to go and had to use the EOS map to get to the next stage. I believe that we missed 2 checkpoints adding considerably to our points.

Bo was a good sport about it all and I think he found enough challenge on the roads to enjoy the overnight. Still we weren't last, we ended up 4th in expert I think and like I said it was a real treat to ride with Bo not to mention the 12+ hours of great rally stories : )


P.S. it surprised me a bit to find so many of my performance rally friends there volunteering and participating. Way to go guys ! Great job Bruce and team at organizing a fun event. Doug got to be sweep and the roads provided him some victims and Ross was full of news of a new Lancia coming to visit me : )
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